The (_ext) command will enable the OCO to output separate H and V syncs. Use a 15 pin to 5 BNC (R,
G, B, H sync, V sync) breakout cable(s) to connect the V6 control box to one of four channels located
on the OCO. Stereo users will use 2 channels and 2 cables (one for left eye and one for right eye).
Connect all 5 BNCs (Red, Green, Blue, H sync and V sync) to the OCO and the 15 pin to the V6 control
box. Since only one H sync and V sync BNC is available for all four channels, customers running in
stereo will need to T the H sync and V sync BNCs to provide 2 connection points for each.
Alternatively, OCO users may download a separate VGA vfo, developed by SGI for Virtual Research,
from Virtual Researchs web site in order to run V6 in sync on green
mode. After downloading and placing this new vfo in the correct directory, use the setmon command
as before except use the new vfo. The command will look something like:
%/usr/gfx/setmon 640 x 480_60_vr
Use the same 15 pin to 5 BNC (R, G, B, H sync, V sync) cable, but this time do not connect the H and V
Option 2
- External video converters (1280x1024 to VGA or 1024x768 to VGA) are available from third
party vendors that will enable users to interface V6 to their Octane. Since only one graphics channel is
available, stereoscopic (3D) viewing is not possible.
Option 3
- Silicon Graphics offers Octane customers the Octane Video Option (OVO) that supports
standard NTSC and s-video formats. V6 users can then convert this video format to standard VGA
using an external video converter (NTSC to VGA). These converters are available off of the shelf at
computer and workstation related stores. Since only one graphics channel is available, stereoscopic
(3D) viewing is not possible.
A 13W3 to 15 pin (VGA type) cable will be required (2 cables for stereo) to connect to the V6 control
box to the Onyx 2. We use a cable that contains dipswitches on the 13W3 connector and suggest our
customers use the same. These dipswitches allow users to isolate particular pins for various sync
modes. If your 13W3 to 15 pin cable does not have these switches, please try the following options
and let us know what you find.
Option 1
- Use ircombine to configure all available graphics channels (usually 2 or 8) for VGA
resolution. All available Channels must be configured before clicking Download. If you are
unfamiliar with the ircombine command we suggest that you run a man page to learn more about it.
The VGA vfo for the channel or channels used by the HMD should look something like: 640x480_60
Select this format and change the default sync configuration of Composite sync on green to separate
Horizontal and Vertical. This is done by clicking on the Composite sync box menu and selecting
Horizontal. You will also need to de-select the check mark in the green box denoting that the sync
signal will appear on green. All three boxes R, G, and B should not contain a check. Lastly, set
the dipswitches of the 13W3 to 15pin cable for separate H and V sync. Click Download to start.
Option 2
- Silicon Graphics has written a special vfo.cmb file for Virtual Researchs V6 that may be
Summary of Contents for V6
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