© Virtual Access 2017
GW3300 Series User Manual
Issue: 1.7
Page 63 of 372
Image files
The system allows for two firmware image files:
image1, and
Two firmware images are supported to enable the system to rollback to a previous
firmware version if the upgrade of one image fails.
The image names (image1, image2) themselves are symbols that point to different
partitions in the overall file system. A special image name “altimage” exists which always
points to the image that is not running.
The firmware upgrade system always downloads firmware to “altimage”.
Directory locations for UCI configuration files
Router configurations files are stored in folders on:
/etc/config1, and
Multiple configuration files exist in each folder. Each configuration file contains
configuration parameters for different areas of functionality in the system.
A symbolic link exists at /etc/config, which always points to one of factconf, config1 or
config2 is the active configuration file.
Files that appear to be in /etc/config are actually in /etc/factconf|config1|config2
depending on which configuration is active.
If /etc/config is missing on start-up, for example on first boot, the links and directories
are created with configuration files copied from /rom/etc/config/.
At any given time, only one of the configurations is the active configuration. The UCI
system tool (Unified Configuration Interface) only acts upon the currently active
Viewing and changing current configuration
To show the configuration currently running, enter:
root@VA_router:~# va_config.sh
To show the configuration to run after the next reboot, enter:
root@VA_router:~# va_config.sh next
To set the configuration to run after the next reboot, enter:
root@VA_router:~# va_config.sh -s [factconf|config1|config2|altconfig]