Exterior Lighting
Pressing the L key will turn on all lights. You may however wish to turn
them on using the appropriate switches in the cockpit.
Shift-L will toggle the nav lights and the cockpit lights.
Crtl-L will toggle the landing lights.
View Options
There are several different ways of looking at the aircraft and the cockpit,
select these alternative views by right-clicking in an empty area and
picking the 'Aircraft' menu for external views and the 'Cockpit' menu for
views inside the cabin. It is possible to zoom and pan as normal in these
alternative views. Cycle though the available ones by pressing the A key.
2D / 3D Cockpits
This package is based on an older FSX product so a 2D panel suite is
included. It is normal for the 2D panel to show first when cockpit view is
first selected, especially when the 'S' key is pressed to cycle views. The
3D virtual cockpit can easily be accessed by using the right-click and
select-views menu.
Virtavia B-24 Liberator
Manual Version FSX 2.0