3. During the climb, you will have to adjust at a minimum the engine
mixture levers. The recommended mixture settings vs. altitude are as
1. 1000ft: 70%
2. 2500ft: 60%
3. 5000ft: 50%
4. 10000ft: 40%
5. 15000ft: 25%
6. 20000ft: 20%
7. 25000ft: 15~16%
If you are using the turbocharger system, you will need to also
increase the turbocharger power as you climb. The turbocharger will
allow you to maintain manifold pressure up to the critical altitude.
1. The B-24 was designed to cruise at 25,000ft. This should be the
desired cruise altitude in all configurations.
If using autopilot
vertical speed hold, manually reduce the vertical speed as you approach
the desired altitude to assist the autopilot altitude capture mode. Use
500ft below desired altitude as the anticipation altitude for leveling out.
2. For cruise, slowly reduce the manifold pressure to approximately 32
In. Hg, and then reduce the propeller RPM switches until gauges
indicate 2200 RPM.
3. At altitudes at or exceeding 25,000ft and airspeeds at or below 155
mph, it is recommended that flaps 8° (Flap position 1) be used to reduce
the cruise pitch. This flap setting increases lift without seriously
degrading the wing’ s drag profile. Flying with this flap setting above 170
mph may create a ballooning effect so it is advised to only use this
setting during cruise.
Virtavia B-24 Liberator
Manual Version FSX 2.0