Directed Electronics, Inc. all rights reserved
Transmitter/Receiver Learn Routine
The system comes with two 4-button transmitters that have been taught to it. The system can store
up to four different transmitter codes in memory. Use the following learn routine to add trans-
mitters to the system or to change button assignments if desired.
If the system was previously programmed using the 998T Bitwriter
, the learn routine may be locked.
If the siren generates one long chirp when attempting to program the unit, the learn routine is locked
and must be unlocked using the 998T Bitwriter
before proceeding.
1. O
Oppeenn aa ddoooorr.. (The GREEN wire, H1/3, or the VIOLET, H1/5 must be
2. T
Tuurrnn tthhee iiggnniittiioonn oonn..
3. SSeelleecctt tthhee rreecceeiivveerr cchhaannnneell:: Press and release the Valet/Program button the
number of times necessary to access the desired channel.
Press and hold the Valet/Program button once more. The siren will chirp and the LED will flash
the number of times corresponding to the channel that is accessed.
If adding a remote, a button must be taught to the unit in the Auto/learn
Standard (Step 1) or Lock/Arm (Step 2) position prior to programming other channels.