User Manual
Arctic Substation Gateway
Firmware Version 2.4.x
Document Version 1
Viola Systems reserves the right to change the technical specifications
or functions of its products or to discontinue the manufacture of any of its
products or to discontinue the support of any of its products without any
written announcement and urges its customers to ensure that the information
at their disposal is valid.
Viola software and programs are delivered “as is”. The manufacturer does not
grant any kind of warranty including guarantees on suitability and applicability
to a certain application. Under no circumstance is the manufacturer or the
developer of a program responsible for any damage possibly caused by the
use of a program. The names of the programs as well as all copyrights relating
to the programs are the sole property of Viola Systems. Any transfer, licensing
to a third party, leasing, renting, transportation, copying, editing, translating,
modifying into another programming language or reverse engineering for any
intent is forbidden without the written consent of Viola Systems.
Viola Systems has attempted to verify that the information in this manual is
correct with regard to the state of products and software on the publication
date of the manual. We assume no responsibility for possible errors which
may appear in this manual. Information in this manual may change without
prior notice from Viola Systems.