External Output Characteristics
D122 T132
Name Description
Pulse Out (BNC)
Active-low. Maximum output v4VDC. Source
impedance 470 ohms. Maximum source current 10mA.
Maximum sink current 10mA. Duration determined by
exposure setting
(T132 only)
or length of pulse at “Pulse
Delay Out (BNC)
Active-high. Source impedance 470 ohms. Maximum
output voltage 4.0VDC. Provides a positive pulse output
waveform. Duration determined by the delay interval.
Delay can be set to pre-exposure or post-exposure with
the PRE/POST switch.
Sync. (BNC)
Provides output for shutter equipped with Electronic
Synchronization System. Active-low. Maximum voltage
output when active 0.2VDC. Source impedance 33K
ohms. Source current maximum 150µA. Maximum sink
current 25mA.
Power supply (Control #4)
+5VDC regulated output (T132 only) provided for use in
remote switching and/or control circuits.
Power supply (Control #1)
+8VDC unregulated output (D122 only) provided for use in
remote switching and/or control circuits.
Interrupt Out (Control #5)
Source impedance 470 ohms. Maximum source current is
3.6mA. Maximum sink current 25mA. Output will be high
when interrupt is activated (Disabled LED illuminated).
Output will go low when reset.
General Characteristics
D122 T132
Name Description
Shutter Active Indicator
Red LED indicates when shutter coil is activated.
Power Indicator
Red LED indicates when power is available.
Sync. Indicator
Green LED indicates Electronic Sync. is active. (Sync.
output will be low when LED is on.) Indicator will only
operate if the shutter used is equipped with the electronic
synchronization system.
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