Bus termination for video sig
nal stabilisation
There is a “BUS termination connector” (A-B-
C) inside the interphone to stabilise the video
Depending on the wiring configuration (inter
phones/monitors connected in series or which
are distributor extensions), set connector ABC
to jumper, as described in note “Bus termination
for ELVOX TWO-WIRE installations” below, in
the wiring diagrams section.
Wall mounting procedure:
- Install the interphone away from sources of
li g ht and heat.
- Fix the base of the interphone to the rectan-
gular or round vertical back box using the
corresponding screws supplied (Fig. 4A, 4B),
or fix it to the wall using two wall plugs.
- We recommend installing the interphone so
that its lower edge is 1.40 m from the floor.
- Wire it to the terminal board (see wiring dia
- Fit the interphone cover: first position the top
part and then push the bottom part gently,
until it clicks into place (Fig. 5A, 5B).
- To reopen the interphone, lift the cover by
levering the lower edge with your fingers.
Depth: 23 mm
102 mm
142 mm
Fig. 6
Fig. 3
Fig. 4A
Fig. 5a
Fig. 5b
Fig. 4B
6901 - 6901/D