Deflector - Brass UNS-C26000
Bulb - Glass, nominal 3mm diameter
Seal - Teflon
Spring - Nickel Alloy
Screw - Brass UNS-C36000
Pip Cap - Copper UNS-C14500
Refer to "Sprinkler Accessories" section
of the
Viking Engineering and Design
Data book for approved sprinkler
wrench and other accessories.
Viking sprinklers are available through a
network of domestic, Canadian, and in-
ternational distributors. See the Yellow
Pages of the telephone directory (listed
under "Sprinklers-Automatic-Fire") or
write to The Viking Corporation, Hast-
ings, Michigan, USA, Attention: Sales
Viking Technical Data may be found on
The Viking Corporation’s Web site,
located at
The Web site may include a more recent
edition of this Technical Data page.
For details of warranty, refer to Viking’s
current list price schedule or contact Vi-
king directly.
WARNING: Viking sprinklers are
manufactured and tested to meet the
rigid requirements of approving agen-
cies. The sprinklers are designed to be
installed in accordance with recognized
installation standards. Deviation from
the standards or any alteration to the
sprinkler after it leaves the factory in-
cluding, but not limited to, painting, plat-
ing, coating, or modification, may render
the sprinkler inoperative and will auto-
matically nullify the approval and any
guarantee made by The Viking Corpora-
A. Sprinklers are to be installed in ac-
cordance with the latest published
standards of the National Fire Protec-
tion Association, Factory Mutual,
Loss Prevention Council, Assemblee
Pleniere, Verband der Sachver-
sicherer or other similar organiza-
tions, and also with provisions of gov-
ernmental codes, ordinances, and
standards whenever applicable. For
conditions not specifically covered by
the Standards, refer to the "Viking
Residential Installation Guide".
Final approval and acceptance of all
residential sprinkler installations
must be obtained from the Authority
Having Jurisdiction. Residential
sprinklers are special-service sprin-
klers for use in one- and two-family
dwellings, mobile homes, and resi-
dential portions of other occupancies
where allowed. The use of residen-
tial sprinklers may be limited due to
occupancy and hazard. The mini-
mum flow rate indicated for a listed
area of coverage must be provided at
the sprinkler. Therefore, the system
must be hydraulically calculated.
Refer to the Authority Having Juris-
diction prior to installation.
B. Sprinklers must be handled with care.
They must be stored in a cool, dry
place in their original container.
Never install sprinklers that have
been dropped or damaged in any
way. Never install any glass-bulb
sprinkler if the bulb is cracked or if
there is a loss of liquid from the bulb.
If a glass bulb lacks the appropriate
amount of fluid, it should be set aside
and returned to Viking (or an author-
ized Viking distributor) for analysis as
soon as possible. If the sprinkler is
not returned to Viking, it should be de-
stroyed immediately. Never install
sprinklers which have been exposed
to temperatures in excess of the
maximum ambient temperature al-
lowed. Such sprinklers should be de-
stroyed immediately.
C. Corrosion-resistant sprinklers must
be installed when subject to corrosive
atmospheres. Viking Microfast
Model M-4 Residential Pendent
Sprinklers are not intended for use in
corrosive environments.
D. Use care when locating sprinklers
near fixtures that can generate heat.
Do not install sprinklers where they
will be exposed to temperatures that
exceed the maximum recommended
ambient temperature for the tem-
perature rating used.
E. Sprinklers must be protected from
mechanical damage. Adequate heat
must be provided when sprinklers are
installed on wet-pipe systems.
F. The Microfast
Model M-4 Residential
Pendent Sprinkler must be installed
after the piping is in place to prevent
mechanical damage, and can only be
installed in the pendent position. Be-
fore installation, be sure to have the
appropriate sprinkler model and
style, with the correct orifice size,
temperature rating, and response
c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s . A p p l y a s m a l l
amount of pipe-joint compound or
tape to the male threads only, taking
care not to allow a build-up of com-
pound inside the orifice. Install the
sprinkler on the piping using the spe-
cial sprinkler wrench only, while tak-
ing care not to damage the sprinkler
operating parts. DO NOT use the
sprinkler deflector to start or thread
the sprinkler into a fitting.
G. After installation, the entire sprinkler
system must be tested in accordance
with the recognized installation
standards. The test is applied after
sprinkler installation to ensure that no
damage has occurred to the sprinkler
during shipment and installation, and
to make sure the unit has been prop-
erly tightened. If a thread leak should
occur, normally the unit must be re-
moved, new pipe-joint compound or
tape applied, and then reinstalled.
This is due to the fact that when the
joint seal leaks, the sealing com-
pound is washed out of the joint.
NOTICE: The owner is responsible for
maintaining the fire-protection system
and devices in proper operating condi-
tion. For minimum maintenance and in-
spection requirements, refer to the Na-
tional Fire Protection Association pam-
phlet that describes care and mainte-
nance of sprinkler systems. In addition,
the Authority Having Jurisdiction may
have additional maintenance, testing,
and inspection requirements which must
be followed.
A. The sprinklers must be inspected on
a regular basis for signs of corrosion,
mechanical damage, obstructions,
paint, etc. The frequency of the in-
spections may vary due to corrosive
atmospheres, water supplies, and
activity around the device.
B . S p ri nk le rs t hat have been field
painted, caulked, or mechanically
damaged must be replaced immedi-
ately. Sprinklers showing signs of
corrosion shall be tested and/or re-
placed immediately as required. Mi-
Model M-4 Residential Pen-
dent Sprinklers that are 20 years old
shall be tested and/or replaced im-
mediately as required. Never at-
tempt to repair or reassemble a sprin-
kler. Sprinklers that have operated
cannot be reassembled or re-used,
but must be replaced. When replac-
ing sprinklers, use only new sprin-
C. The sprinkler discharge pattern is
critical for proper fire protection.
Nothing should be hung from, at-
tached to, or otherwise obstruct
June 4, 1998
Sprinkler 140 b
(continued on page 140 c)