Temperature Sensor positive
Voltage Sensor negative
Voltage Sensor positive
3.11. Programming with VictronConnect
This guide will help you with the specific elements of VictronConnect that relate to the MPPT Solar Charge Controller.
More general information about the VictonConnect App - how to install it; how to pair it with your device; and how to update
firmware, for example - can be found by referring to the overall
. A list of all VictronConnect compatible
Note: These instructions can apply to different products and configurations, where battery voltage is referred to in these
instructions, a 12V battery is used as a reference point. Please multiply the given values by 4 to arrive at settings for an
installation configured for the 48V battery system.
3.11.1. Settings
The settings page is accessed by clicking on the Cog icon at the top right of the Home page. The settings page provides access
to view or change the settings of the Battery; Load; Streetlight; and Port functions. From this page you can also view Product
information such as the Firmware versions installed on the MPPT Solar Charger.
Inverter RS Smart
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