The functionality of the TX port can be set at:
Normal communication:
This is the default setting. Use this function when connecting to a GX device, a VE.Direct Bluetooth Smart dongle, or any other
device that needs to communicate with the solar charger via the VE.Direct port.
Pulse every 0.01 kWh:
Use this function in combination with an energy meter.
The TX port will emit a pulse each time an additional 0.01kWh of energy has been harvested. The TX port is normally high and
will be driven low for approximately 250ms for every 0.01kWh harvested.
Light dimming (PWM normal):
Use this function in combination with the "Streetlight" setting.
The TX port PWM
signal will be at 100% duty cycle when full light intensity is required.
Light dimming (PWM inverted):
Use this function in combination with the "Streetlight" setting.
The TX port PWM* signal will be at 0% duty cycle when full light intensity is required.
Virtual load output:
Use this function to create a virtual load output if the solar charger does not have a physical load output.
The TX port will switch using the same conditions as set in the load output settings.
Connect the VE.Direct TX digital output cable to a BatteryProtect module, a relay or directly to the remote on/off connector of
the load.
*) The PWM signal is 5V, 160Hz.
Note that these functionalities (other than the first functionality) does not disable the ability of the unit to communicate. What
happens is that the unit will automatically detect incoming data, and while data is being received it will resume normal
communication. Once the data-reception has been completed it will automatically return to its configured TX function.
For more in depth "developer style" information on the VE.Direct port see Technical Information:
Data communication with Victron
5.2.6. RX port settings
The VE.Direct-RX port can be used to receive a signal from an external device. For example to switch the solar charger on (or off)
from a signal sent by a battery management system (BMS).
To use the RX port for remote on/off control a
VE.Direct non inverting remote on/off cable
The functionality of the RX port can be set at:
Remote on/off:
This is the default setting. This functionality will switch the solar charger on or off via the RX pin.
- RX pin to GND will switch the solar charger off.
- RX pin floating or to battery positive will switch the solar charger on.
Load output on/off inverted:
This setting reverses the load output on/off control:
- RX pin 0V will switch load output on
MPPT solar charger manual
Page 29
Configuration and settings