이 자료는 저작권법에 따라 보호받는 저작물이므로 무단배포 및 무단복제를 금하며, 내용의 전부 또는 일부를 이용하려면,
반드시 한국 VictorRuoshui 社 의 서면동의를 받아야 합니다.
4-8-2. Select NPN or PNP , insert separately emitter,
base and collector to proper terminal.
Diode and continuity test
Apply the black test lead to “COM” terminal
the red one to “V/Ω/Hz” terminal
the polarity of
the red test lead is “+”
Set the range knob to
, connect the test
leads with the diode under measured, and the
reading is close to the value of diode forward
voltage drop.For silicon PN junction, the average
is about 500mV to 800mV identified as
normal ,if the diode under tested is open circuit
or the reverse polarity, the LCD displays “OL”.
Connect the test leads with two points of circuit