Square wave output key, press the key to output a square wave signal
with fixed amplitude and tunable frequency. Press the Enter key to enter the frequency
adjustment, control the arrow keys to adjust, and then press the Enter key after the
adjustment is done. (five and a half digits standard, four and a half digits optional, and
peripheral circuit is required)
Press the key to enter the data storage mode, and press the key again
to exit the data storage mode. When it is in data storage mode, every time the
measurement is done, the measured data and the current measurement configuration will
be written into the cache, and the storage number will be displayed. In the meantime, you
can switch to a different measurement function (storage is not supported for some
functions, such as diodes, duty cycle, on-off measurement, etc.); for each measurement
function the measurement data will be saved. When the key is pressed to exit the storage
mode, the system automatically writes the data in the cache into FLASH. There can be up
to 600 storage data, when there are more than 600 data, it will save the 600 data from the
latest one. However, the counting starts again from 1 because there are more than 600
data displayed.
Data reading key, press the key to enter the data reading mode, and
press the other keys (DCV, DCI and the like) or Exit (SHIFT + EXIT) to exit. When entering
the data reading mode, the first display is the last number of the last saved data. In
addition to the data on the main display, the serial number of the last saved data and
some measurement configuration (measurement function, range, measurement rate,
trigger mode and additional functions) will be displayed on the secondary display. Press
the arrow keys to browse the saved data. The latest saved is seen first in the reading
mode; so there is no need to browse the following data. When the saved number exceeds
600, for example 65-, then the 650
data is shown when entering the reading mode, and
50 is shown on the secondary display. The number decreases on the second display
when browsing the previous data. When 1 is shown on the secondary display, then