XX017-01-00 Rev 702 V1400X-IDL Intelligent Distribution Line Control
The V1400X-IDL allows up to 10 I/O Devices to be connected to CPU-based Matrix systems. Since the
V1400X-IDL has panel indicators and no controls, individual I/O Devices are used for operation. Refer to the
Reference Section of this manual for I/O Device and CPU Instruction Manual numbers.
Requirements and Characteristics
All I/O Devices’ addresses must be unique within an IDL unit (no two I/O Devices can be addressed 1, for
example). In the event that two or more Stations share the same address, the IDL will intermittently enable
and disable those individual Stations.
When Input Devices are connected, all can operate the CPU simultaneously. Any combination of Keypads or
System Consoles can be used with an IDL unit. When Output Devices are connected, all devices can be
operated by the CPU simultaneously. Any combination of different Receiver types can be used with an IDL
unit. Operation of the IDL is transparent to the user when proper monitor partitioning and camera seize control
is established on the CPU. The DL/IDL switch must be selected for intelligent mode prior to powering on the
unit. If the switch is toggled with power applied, the unit must be reset (temporarily unplug unit) for the mode
to be toggled. Refer to the Instruction Manual for the particular CPU control system for information on
establishing monitor partitioning and camera seize control.
Figure 14 shows the IDL with individual Station ports setup in 2 typical configurations using V1300X-
DVC/RVC Keypads and V1400X-DVC System Consoles as Input Devices.
The CPU can be controlled from
all Input Devices. However,
Keypad 2 can only control the
CPU when Keypad 1 (Master
Keypad) is powered on. All four
Input Devices must have unique
addresses or operation conflicts
will occur. Up to 10 Input Devices
can be connected to the IDL.
NOTE: Do not connect Input Devices (Keypads/System Consoles) and Output Devices (Receivers/Domes) to
the same IDL unit, as they will not operate correctly.
Figure 14
Typical System Setup With Input Devices