5.3.3 The SUMMER/WINTER switch (version K4G2S24XX and K4G3S24XX)
Setting the boiler for summer and winter operation. When the boiler is switched to the summer mode the
requirement for heating of water to the system is ignored.
Stand-by mode.
To activate the boiler by press down the main switch button (5)
and hold it for some time. The boiler will start operation in the
winter mode.
For switching to the summer mode press down the main switch
button (5) and hold it for 2 s.
Winter mode
Summer mode
5.3.4 Temporary activation
Temporary activation of the boiler for heating of water to the heating system – only when the system
is equipped by the outside sensor.
This setting is used to force the boiler to heat water to the heating system. The boiler will be in operation for
a period not longer than 24 h or until switching back to the normal mode.
Change the mode setting when the boiler is turned on
Press down buttons 3 and 4 simultaneously
The mode is activated
The value of the output temperature to the heating system
To deactivate this mode press down buttons 3 and 4
The system is deactivated