VESTEL 55FA9000 Operating Instructions Manual Download Page 91


   - 89 -

downloaded successfully, it will be installed at 

the next power on. 


: Do not unplug the power cord while led 

is blinking during the reboot process. If the TV 

fails to come on after the upgrade, unplug, wait 

for two minutes then plug it back in.



3D Mode

To view 3D contents or programmes in 3D 

mode you should wear the active 3D shutter 

glasses that supports Bluetooth™ wireless 

technology. Note that this TV’s 3D feature 

works only with its specific 3D glasses. 

 Cautions for 3D viewing

For your safety; Read these safety 

precautions carefully before using the 3D 



Pregnant women, seniors, people with 

heart problems or people who experience 

frequent drowsiness, as well as people who 

can get easily nauseous should refrain from 

watching 3D.


Prevent children under the age of 5 from 

watching 3D. It may affect their vision 



When watching 3D images, monitor your 

children, including teenagers because 

they may be more sensitive to the effects 

of watching 3D. If they experience similar 

discomforts mentioned belove, have them 

stop watching in 3D immediately.


You may experience discomfort, headaches 

or dizziness while watching 3D images. If 

you experience such symptoms, you should 

remove 3D glasses and stop watching 3D 



Do not watch in 3D mode for long periods 

of time. Allow yourself occasional rests. 

During viewing, if you experience any 

discomforts such as eye-strain, headache 

or nausea; take off the 3D glasses and stop 

watching in 3D mode. Consult a doctor if 

the discomforts persist.


Do not use the 3D glasses for any other 

purposes. Use 3D Glasses for watching 3D 

video only. Do not use them as sunglasses 

or reading glasses.


When watching in 3D be aware of your 

surroundings. Do not move around while 

watching in 3D and wearing the glasses as 

your vision is modified and you may run 

into objects, trip or fall which may result in 



Some content in 3D may cause the viewer to 

perform sudden reflex movements such as 

ducking or dodging; therefore it is important 

to not place any fragile objects near the 



When using the 3D glasses the distance 

between the user and screen can be 

misjudged. Be careful not to strike the TV 



Some viewers may feel disoriented after 

watching 3D. Therefore, after you watch 

3D, take a moment to regain awareness of 

your surrounding before moving.

Photosensitive Seizure Warning


If you or a member of your family has a 

history of epilepsy or seizure, please consult 

with your doctor before watching 3D TV. It is 

possible that some viewers may experience 

a seizure or epilepsy when exposed to 

certain conditions, including flashing lights 

or images in TV or video games. 


Sometimes certain symptoms can occur 

in unspecified conditions even if you do 

not have any previous history. In such a 

case, if you experience any of the following 

symptoms, immediately stop watching 

the 3D TV and consult a doctor: altered 

vision, visual or facial instability, such 

Summary of Contents for 55FA9000


Page 2: ...m tr destek E posta vmh vestel com tr Cihaz n z n T C G mr k ve Ticaret Bakanl T keticinin Korunmas ve Piyasa G zetimi Genel M d rl nce tespit ve ilan edilen kullan m mr cihaz n fonksiyonlar n yerine...

Page 3: ...z kullan rken keyif alman z diliyoruz Bu r n evreye sayg l VESTEL ELEKTRON K A tesislerinde do aya zarar vermeden retilmi tir G venlikle lgili nemli Bilgiler Cihaz n z h zl bir bi imde tan mak ve t m...

Page 4: ...Tu lar ve al t rma 10 Uzaktan Kumandayla al t rma 10 Giri Se imi 10 Kanal De i tirme ve Ses Ayarlama 10 Pilleri Uzaktan Kumandan za Yerle tiriniz 11 Elektrik Ba lant s 11 Anten Ba lant s 11 Bilgi 12 T...

Page 5: ...Servisleri 29 Dijital Teletekst 29 Yaz l m Y kseltme 30 Kullan c aray z yle yaz l m y kseltme aramas 30 03 00 arama ve y kseltme modu 30 3D Modu 30 3D izlerken dikkat edilecekler 30 G venli iniz i in...

Page 6: ...lant Yava 38 Oynat m s ras nda kesinti veya yava tepkiler 38 nternet Ba lant s Kullan lam yor Ses ve Video Payla m al m yor 38 Ge ersiz Alan Ad 38 1 Nero Media Home Kurulumu 38 2 Bir Kablolu ya da Ka...

Page 7: ...i imleri 54 Desteklenen DVI z n rl kleri 54 Cihaz n ve Pilin evreye Uygun Bir ekilde At lmas 55 Enerji Tasarrufu i in neriler 55 De erli M terimiz 56 NEML UYARILAR 57 1 retici taraf ndan sakl tutulan...

Page 8: ...unmamaktad r Servis i lemlerini uzman servis personeline yapt r n z NOT zellikleri kullanmak i in ekranda verilen talimatlar izleyiniz A r hava ko ullar nda f rt nalar y ld r mlar ve uzun s re kullan...

Page 9: ...nde i tirilebilecekpulveya d me tipi pil ler i ermektedir S n f 1 Lazer r n Bu r n ng r len CLASS 1 LASER PRODUCT al ma ko ullar nda makul l de g venli olan S n f 1 lazer kayna i ermektedir UYARI Tele...

Page 10: ate e maruz b rakmay n elektrikli s t c lar gibi s kaynaklar n nyak n nayerle tirmeyin Kulakl klar y ksek seviyeleriyle kul lanmak duyma kayb na neden olabilir TV nin zerine yanan mumlar gibi hi bi...

Page 11: ...l t r lmas ve bak m cihaz n zla ilgili son bilgileri i erir retici firma bu kullan m k lavuzundaki talimatlara uyulmamas cihaz n kullan m amac n n d nda kullan lmas yetkili olmayan onar m i lemleri ci...

Page 12: ...vam etmek i in OK tu una bas n z TVKontrolTu lar ve al t rma P CH TV AV 1 Bekleme A ma tu u 2 Kaynak tu u 3 Program tu lar 4 Ses tu lar Ana men y g r nt lemek i in Ses tu lar na ayn anda bas n z ve se...

Page 13: ...a lant s NEML Bu TV 220 240V AC 50 Hz yuvas ile al acak ekilde tasarlanm t r Kutuyu a t ktan sonra elektrik ebekesine ba lamadan nce TV nin oda s cakl na kadar kmas n bekleyiniz G kablosunu ana soket...

Page 14: ...tiflerine uygundur Bu cihaz At k Elektrikli ve Elektronik E yalar n Kontrol Y netmeli i ne uygundur AEEE Y netmeli ine uygundur J J Teknik zellikler TV Yay n PAL BG DK II SECAM BG DK Al nan Kanallar V...

Page 15: ...V nin sesini tamamen kapat r 5 Ses 6 Men TV men s n g r nt ler 7 Y n tu lar Men lerde i eriklerde vb gezinmeye yar mc olur ve Sa a veya Sola bas ld nda TXT modunda alt sayfalar g r nt ler 8 OK Kullan...

Page 16: ...k 24 Tu um 2 25 EPG Elektronik Program Rehberi Elektronik program rehberini g r nt ler 26 k G sterilen men leri kapat r ve men lerden kar veya bir nceki ekrana d ner 27 H zl Men H zl eri im i in bir m...

Page 17: ...ler zay flad nda her tu a bas ld zaman pillerinde i tirilmesigerekti inihat rlatmak zere ye il led yan p s necektir 5 Led i lemi 6 Sessiz 7 Bekleme 8 Ses Seviyesini Azaltma 9 Ses Seviyesini Art rma 10...

Page 18: ...olarak AV moduna ge er DTV kanallar Mpeg4 H 264 al rken veya Ortam Taray c modundayken k skart soketinden m mk n olmayacakt r Duvara montaj kiti e er birlikte verilmemi se piyasadan nc tarafbirmalzeme...

Page 19: ...Tipinin Se ilmesi Hakk nda DijitalAnten E erDijitalAntenyay n arama se ene i a l rsa ilk ayarlar tamamland ktan sonra TV dijital karasal yay nlar arayacakt r Dijital Kablo E er Dijital Kablolu yay n a...

Page 20: ...ncelleme yap ld ktan sonra se im etkinle tirilir stendi i takdirde TKGS Kurulumu lk Kurulum sonras nda da manuel olarak uygulanabilir Men tu una bas n z Kurulum gesini se ip OK tu una bas n z Alt men...

Page 21: ...nde kullan labilir yay nlar aramaya ba layacakt r Mevcut t m kanallar kaydedildikten sonra ekranda arama sonu lar g r nt lenecektir Devam etmek i in OK tu una bas n z Sonra Kanal Listesini D zenle men...

Page 22: ...lm cihazda bulunan 1000 g r nt dosyas n g r nt leyebilir Ortam Taray c Men s inde foto raf m zik ve film dosyalar kay tl olan bir USB diskini TV nize takarak bu dosyalar alabilirsiniz TV nin yan ndak...

Page 23: ...a land HDMI portunun ad yerine kendi ad yla listelenecektir DVD Oynat c Kaydedici 1 vb Ba lanm olan HDMI kayna se ildikten sonra TV uzaktan kumandas ba l ca fonksiyonlar al t rabilecektir Bu i lemi so...

Page 24: ...da ana men g r nt lenirken Info tu una bas n z veya Quick Menu tu una bast ktan sonra Kullan m K lavuzu esini se iniz ve OK tu una bas n z Gezinme tu lar n kullanarak istedi iniz kategoriyi se iniz He...

Page 25: ...k s cakl de erini ayarlar Serin Normal S cak ve zel se enekleri kullan labilir Beyaz Nokta E er Renk S cakl se ene i zel olarak ayarlanm sa bu ayar kullan labilir Sol veya Sa tu lara basarak g r nt n...

Page 26: ...e TV nize kablosuz bir ekilde ba layabilirsiniz AVL Otomatik Ses S n rlama Programlar aras nda sabit bir ses k elde edilebilmesine olanak sa lar Kulakl k Ses k Kulakl k jak n kullanarak televizyona ha...

Page 27: ...kullan labilir T m Se enekler TV setinin di er ayar se eneklerini g r nt ler Men Zaman A m Men ekranlar n n zaman a m s resini de i tirir HBBTV Bu zelli i etkinle tirmek veya devre d b rakmak i in ay...

Page 28: ...arar ve haf zaya al r Dijital Kablo Kablodan yay nlanan DVB kanallar n arar ve haf zaya al r Analog Analog kanallar arar ve haf zaya al r Uydu Uydu kanallar n arar ve haf zaya al r Manuel kanal arama...

Page 29: ...ini yap n z OK tu una yeniden bas n z stedi iniz liste se ene ini A k olarak ayarlay n z Se ilen kanallar listeye eklenecektir Favori listesinden bir veya birden fazla kanal silmek i in ayn ad mlar ta...

Page 30: ...bilgilerg nderir ProgramRehberimen s n g r nt lemek i in EPG tu una bas n z 3 farkl program d zeni bulunmaktad r Zaman izelgesi Liste izelgesi ve imdi Sonra izelgesi Aralar nda ge i yapmak i in ekran...

Page 31: ...m mk n de ildir Geli mi EPG ve Geni letilmi Program Bilgisi Afi i TV nizbira aba l ysa uzaktankumandadaki EPG tu una bas larak Geli mi EPG ekran g r nt lenir EPG uygulamas n n bu geli mi modunda progr...

Page 32: ...J J 3D Modu 3D i erik veya programlar 3D modunda izlemeki in Bluetooth kablosuzteknolojisini destekleyen aktif 3D g zl kler kullanman z gereklidir Bu TV nin 3D zelli inin yaln zca kendi belirli 3D g z...

Page 33: ...ya kas se irmesi gibi g rme veya y z dengesizli i ba d nmesi veya ktan ba a r mas g rsel ge i veya bilin siz hareketler kas lma bilin kayb kafa kar kl veya y nelim bozuklu u y n hissi kayb kramp veya...

Page 34: ...3D sinyalini alg lay p otomatik olarak 3D moduna ge ebilir Aksi takdirde g r nt leme modunu 3D Ayarlar men s nden de i tirebilirsiniz Uzaktan kumandadaki varsa 3D tu una basarak 3D Ayarlar men s ne h...

Page 35: ...ncak siz 2D olarak izlemek istiyorsan z Sadece 2D moduna ge ebilirsiniz Hangi t r i erikleri 2D olarak izlemek istedi inizi se ebilece iniz 2 se enek SOL ve SA vard r Sanal 3D 2D den 3D ye d n t rmedi...

Page 36: ...l k sa l yorsa desteklenmez J J Ba lanabilirlik Kablolu Ba lant Bir Kablolu A a Ba lanmak Aktif geni bant ba lant s na sahip bir modem y nlendirici bulunmas gereklidir Nero Media Home yaz l m n n bilg...

Page 37: ...IP ve veya Manuel DNS de erleri girebilirsiniz A a do ru a lan men den ilgili geyi se iniz ve uzaktan kumandan n rakam tu lar n kullanarak yeni de erleri giriniz lem tamamland nda ayarlar kaydetmek i...

Page 38: ...randa g r nt lenene kadar bekleyiniz Bu ba lant n n kuruldu u anlam na gelir Bir kablosuz a ba lant s n kesmek i in A Tipi se imini yap n z ve Sol veya Sa tu a basarak Devre D olarak ayarlay n z ntern...

Page 39: ...izle bu t r kablosuz cihazlar kullanmadan nce e le tirme yap lmas gerekir Cihaz n z n TV ile e le tirmek i in a a dakiler yapmal s n z Cihaz e le tirme moduna ayarlay n z TV de cihaz aramay al t r n z...

Page 40: ...dine ait bir MAC adresi oldu undan internet servis sa lay c n z TV nizin MAC adresini do rulayamaz Bu neden TV niz internete ba lanamaz nternet servis sa lay c n zla ileti im kurarak TV gibi farkl bir...

Page 41: ...ortam t r n se tikten sonraa se iminiyenidenyapmal s n z Dosya oynat m ile ilgili daha fazla bilgi i in Ortam Taray c s men s b l m ne bak n z Videoyu Ses ve Video Payla m zelli i arac l yla a dan izl...

Page 42: ...mevcut uygulamalar n ve hizmetlerinikonlar n g rebilirsiniz stedi inizi se mek i in uzaktan kumanda zerindeki y n tu lar na bas n z Se tikten sonra OK tu una basarak istenen i eri i g r nt leyebilirsi...

Page 43: ...avsiye uygulamas portal zerinde ve Geli mi EPG ekran nda bulunabilir Se ilen program i in zamanlay c ayarlanabilir Zamanlay c ayarlar TV nin Sistem Ayar lar men s nde bulunan Zamanlay c lar men s nden...

Page 44: ...klay n z nternettaray c s n kullanarakinternetsiteleriniaramak veya ziyaret etmek i in e itli yollar bulunmaktad r Adres ubu una internet sitesinin adresini URL giriniz ve giri yapmak i in tu una bas...

Page 45: ...n tam UI modu aras nda ge i yapabilir K rm z tu un de i tirme zelli inin uygulamataraf ndanverildi inivebu zelli in baz uygulamalarda farkl olabilece ini unutmay n z Kullan c HbbTV uygulamas etkinken...

Page 46: ...olmal d r Uzaktan kumandadaki Men tu una bas n z Sistem Ayarlar T m Se enekler men s n se iniz ve OK tu una bas n z Ses ve Video Payla m esini vurgulay n ve Etkin olarak de i tiriniz TV niz mobil cih...

Page 47: ...kt r S r m No Ge erli uygulama s r m n g sterir Detay Sayfas Ayr nt sayfas n a mak i in bir programa dokununuz Detaysayfas ekran nda se ti iniz programlar n detayl bilgilerini g rebilirsiniz Bu sayfad...

Page 48: sayfas iki ekilde a labilir uygulama ekran ndaki Klavye simgesi zerine dokunarak veya TV den al nan bir komut ile otomatik olarak H zl Bekletme Opsiyonel E er TV Smart Center uygulamas nda bulunan...

Page 49: ...niz Cihaz n z hala normal al mas na devam etmiyorsa Vestel leti im Merkezi ile irtibata ge iniz Yetkili servis listesine ve ileti im bilgilerine web sitesinden ula abilirsiniz SORUN SEBEB Z M Cihaz a...

Page 50: ...arak ayarlanm olabilir Sessiz se ene ini iptal etmek i in sessiz tu una bas n veya sesi y kseltin G r nt bilgisayar modunda k t Bilgisayardaki g r nt z n rl ve ayar TV ile uyumsuz olabilir Bilgisayar...

Page 51: ...videolar tak larak oynuyor Internet ba lant h z d k Internet servis sa lay c n zla ileti ime ge in Ya internet paketiniz yetersizdir ya da in ternet altyap s nda sorun vard r Ba lant so runlar ile ilg...

Page 52: ...8 60Hz 27 1360x768 60Hz 28 1280x768 75Hz 29 1280x768 85Hz 30 1280x960 60Hz 31 1280x960 75Hz 32 1280x960 85Hz 33 1280x1024 60Hz 34 1280x1024 75Hz 35 1280x1024 85Hz 36 1400x1050 60Hz 37 1400x1050 75Hz 3...

Page 53: ...30fps 62 5 Mbps 1080P 60fps 62 5 Mbps Motion JPEG 640x480 30fps 10 Mbps Di er 1080P 30fps 40 Mbps avi MPEG1 2 MPEG4 Sorenson H 263 H 263 H 264 WMV3 Motion JPEG mkv MPEG1 2 MPEG4 H 263 H 264 WMV3 Motio...

Page 54: ...8Kbps 384Kbps MPEG1 2 Katman3 8Kbps 320Kbps WMA 128bps 320Kbps 8KHz 48KHz WMA 10 Pro M0 192kbps 48KHz WMA 10 Pro M1 384kbps 48KHz WMA 10 Pro M2 768kbps 96KHz mkv mka MPEG1 2 Katman1 32Kbps 448Kbps 16...

Page 55: ...z AAC HEAAC 8KHz 48KHz VORBIS 48KHz e kadar LPCM 64Kbps 1 5Mbps 8KHz 48KHz IMA ADPCM MS ADPCM 384Kbps 8KHz 48KHz G711 A mu law 64Kbps 128Kbps 8KHz flv MPEG1 2 Katman3 8Kbps 320Kbps 16KHz 48KHz AAC HEA...

Page 56: ...rt Subrip ssa ass SubStation Alpha smi SAMI sub SubViewer MicroDVD DVDSusbtitleSystem SubIdx VobSub SubViewer 1 0 2 0 Yaln zca txt TMPlayer Desteklenen DVI z n rl kleri Cihaz DVI d n t rme kablosu DVI...

Page 57: ...retilmi tir Ambalaj at n evsel veya di er at klarla birlikte atmay n yerel y netimin belirtti i ambalaj toplama noktalar na at n Enerji Tasarrufu i in neriler evresel Bilgi Bu televizyon evrenin koru...

Page 58: ...le 2 t r alt piksel hatas olu ur Tip 1 Alt piksel s rekli yanar k rm z ye il veya mavi k olabilir Tip 2 Alt piksel s rekli s n k kal r siyah g r n r ISO 13406 2 standard na g re belirlenen alt piksel...

Page 59: ndan desteklenmeyen TV yay nlar nda uydu al c lar ndan al nan yay nlarda DVD oynat c larda ya da kablolu televizyon yay nlar nda beklenen performans elde edilemeyebilir g r nt de mozaikle me olu ab...

Page 60: ...eknik inceleme ile tespit edilebilir Bu y zden cihaz n z n panelinin ekran asla harici bir mekanik darbeye maruz kalmamas n sa lay n z Aksi takdirde hasar harici bir darbe sonucu olu tu u i in kullan...

Page 61: ek iskonto talep edebilir 3 E er onar m maliyetleri ok y ksek de ilse t m onar m maliyetleri sat c taraf ndan kar lanmak zere sat lan mal n onar m n n yap lmas n talep edebilir 4 E er m mk nse sat...

Page 62: ...rve you for long years as long as you display the necessary care and maintenance We hope you enjoy using your device This product was manufactured in environmentally friendly VESTEL ELEKTRON K A facil...

Page 63: ...te Control 69 Input Selection 69 Changing Channels and Volume 69 Inserting the Batteries into the Remote 70 Connect Power 70 Antenna Connection 70 Notification 70 Specification 71 Remote Control 72 Re...

Page 64: ...xtended Programme Info Banner 88 Teletext Services 88 Digital Teletext 88 Software Upgrade 88 Software upgrade search via user interface 88 3 AM search and upgrade mode 88 3D Mode 89 Cautions for 3D v...

Page 65: ...le devices 95 Wireless Network Not Available 96 Connection is Slow 96 Distruption during playback or slow reactions 96 InternetConnectionNotAvailable Audio Video Sharing NotWorking 96 Invalid Domain 9...

Page 66: ...for USB Mode 109 Supported Subtitle File Formats for USB Mode 112 Supported DVI Resolutions 112 Dear Customer 114 IMPORTANT WARNINGS 115 1 Rights reserved by the manufacturer 115 2 Warnings about Scr...

Page 67: ...VICING TO QUALIFIED SERVICE PERSONNEL NOTE Follow the on screen instructions for operating the related features In extreme weather storms lightning and long inactivity periods going on holiday disconn...

Page 68: ...Burn Hazard The accessories supplied with or This product may contain a coin button cell battery If the coin button cell battery is swallowed it can cause severe internal burns in just 2 hours and can...

Page 69: ...ny further Do not expose the TV to direct sunlight open flames or place it near intense heat sources such as electric heaters Listening in excessive volumes from earphones and headphones may cause hea...

Page 70: ...hours Keep new and used batteries away from children If battery housing doesn t close properly do not use the product and keep away from children If you think that batteries were ingested or exists wi...

Page 71: ...l be displayed TV switched to stand by mode automatically because no operation was madeforalongtime Press OK to continue TV Control Buttons Ope ration P CH TV AV 1 Standby On button 2 Source button 3...

Page 72: side of the TV satellite aerial or cable Notification TRADEMARK ACKNOWLEDGMENT The terms HDMI and High Definition Multimedia Interface and the HDMI Logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of H...

Page 73: of Preset Channels 10 000 Channel Indicator On Screen Display RF Aerial Input 75 Ohm unbalanced Operating Voltage 220 240V AC 50Hz Audio German Nicam Stereo Audio Output Power WRMS 10 THD 2x10W Pow...

Page 74: ...rms user selections holds the page in TXT mode views channel list DTV mode 9 Back Return Returns to previous screen opens index page in TXT mode 10 Media browser Opens the media browsing screen 11 Inf...

Page 75: ...ick access 28 Internet Openstheportalpage whereyou can reach many web based applications 29 Programme 30 Swap Quickly cycles between previous and current channels or sources 31 Source Shows all availa...

Page 76: ...atteries are low green led will flash to remind battery change everytime a button is pressed 1 Operation LED light 2 Mute 3 Standby 4 Volume Down 5 Volume Up 6 Navigation buttons 7 OK Confirm 8 Progra...

Page 77: ...cally switch to AV mode When receiving DTV channels Mpeg4 H 264 or while in Media Browser mode output will not be available via the scart socket When using the wall mounting kit available from third p...

Page 78: ...casts after other initial settings are completed Digital Cable If Digital Cable broadcast search option is turned on the TV will search for digital cable broadcasts after other initial settings are co...

Page 79: ...settings are made press the RED button to start a TKGS Installation The second way to apply TKGS installation manually after the First Time Installation is starting an update To do this press the Men...

Page 80: ...ce with a recognizable channel number sequence if available NOTE Do not turn off the TV while initializing first time installation Note that some options may not be available depending on the country...

Page 81: ...All files in the list will be continuously played in original order Start playback with the OK button and activate The same file will be played continuously repeat Start playback with the Play button...

Page 82: ...e TV and the audio system A V receiver or speaker system When ARC is active TV does not mute its other audio outputs automatically So you need to decrease TV volume to zero manually if you want to hea...

Page 83: ...selected Mode Backlight This setting controls the backlight level The backlight function will be inactive if the Energy Saving is set to an option other then Custom Advanced Settings Dynamic Contrast...

Page 84: ...settings can be made only when in User mode Balance Adjusts whether the sound comes from the left or right speaker Headphone Sets headphone volume Please ensure before using headphones that the headp...

Page 85: ...1234 If you have defined the PIN is requested depending on the country selection duringtheFirstTimeInstallationusethePINthatyouhavedefined Timers Sets sleep timer to turn off the TV after a certain ti...

Page 86: ...le smartphone or tablet pc and the appropriate software is installed you can share play photos on your TV See instructions of your sharing software for more information Audio Video Sharing mode will n...

Page 87: ...Displays available satellites You can Add Delete satellites or Edit satellite settings on the list Antenna installation You can change satellite anntenna settings and or start a satellite scan SatcoDX...

Page 88: ...added to the list In order to remove a channel or channels from a favourite list follow the same steps and set the desired list option to Off You can use the Filter function in the Edit Channel List m...

Page 89: ...ions Select Genre Subtitles button Displays Select Genre menu Using this feature you can search the programme guide database in accordance with the genre Info available in the programme guide will be...

Page 90: ...on the info banner Teletext Services Press the Text button to enter Press again to activate mix mode which allows you to see the teletext page and the TV broadcast at the same time Press once more to...

Page 91: ...experience any discomforts such as eye strain headache or nausea take off the 3D glasses and stop watching in 3D mode Consult a doctor if the discomforts persist Do not use the 3D glasses for any othe...

Page 92: LAN devices operate within the same radio frequency range and may interfere with one another If you use Bluetooth and Wireless LAN devices simultaneously you may occasionally experience a less than...

Page 93: ...tons Press Left or Right buttons to set Switching left and right images The left and right eye shutter timing of the glasses can be swapped If 3D images look blurred switch the left and right sides of...

Page 94: ...Supported 720p 50 FP Supported Not Supported Not Supported 720p 60 FP Supported Not Supported Not Supported 1080p FC SBS TB SBS TB SBS TB 720p FC SBS TB SBS TB SBS TB 1080i FC SBS SBS SBS OTHER Not Su...

Page 95: ...e refer to the Network Internet Settings section in the System Settings Menu You might be able to connect your TV to your LAN depending on your network s configuration Insuchacase useanethernet cable...

Page 96: ...r any other WiFi 11b appliances The standard values of the transmission speed are the theoretical maximum values for the wireless standards They are not the actual speeds of data transmission The loca...

Page 97: ...ler application from the server of your mobile device application provider NOTE This feature may not be supported on all mobile devices Wireless Display Wireless Display is a standard for streaming vi...

Page 98: the wired network in your home Refer to the Wired Connectivity section for more information on the process If the TV does not function using the wired connection check the modem router If the rout...

Page 99: ...o Video Sharing Audio Video Sharing support is only available in the Media Browser Folder mode To enable folder mode go to the Settings tab in the main media browser screen and press OK Highlight View...

Page 100: ...t Installation is not possible without this agreement 7 ClicktheNextbutton Onthenextscreen you can set your installation preferences 8 Click the Install button The installation begins and finishes aut...

Page 101: be discontinued or restricted at any time SMART RECOMMENDATION Smart Recommendation is an application which recommends to user TV programmes relevanttohiswatchinghabits Theapplication collects data...

Page 102: ...r visit websites using the web browser Enter the address of a website URL into the address bar and click on the button to visit Enter keyword s into the address bar and click on the button to search f...

Page 103: ...ould be noted that the red button switching capability is provided by the application and some application may behave differently If you switch to another channel while an HbbTV application is active...

Page 104: ...More menu and press OK Highlight Audio Video Sharing and change as Enabled Your TV is ready to connect to your mobile device now Install the Smart Center application onto your mobile device Start the...

Page 105: can get detailed information of the programmes you select There are Details Cast Crew and Videos tabs to find on this page DETAILS This tab provides summary and information about the selected prog...

Page 106: receiving a command from the TV Quick Standby If the TV is turned off through the virtual remote control in the Smart Center application it can be turned on again in the same way This feature can b...

Page 107: ...n still contact Vestel Communication Center You can find authorized services list and contact information from the web site PROBLEM CAUSE REMEDY Device doesn t turn on Power cable might be unplugged M...

Page 108: be muted To cancel the mute option press the button or turn up the volume Display is bad in computer mode Screen resolution and settings of computer and TV might be incompatible Change resolution i...

Page 109: ...wired or wireless internet connec tion Connection is Slow Contact your internet service provider Either your internet pack is insufficient or there is a problem in internet infrastructure Error messa...

Page 110: ...768 60Hz 28 1280x768 75Hz 29 1280x768 85Hz 30 1280x960 60Hz 31 1280x960 75Hz 32 1280x960 85Hz 33 1280x1024 60Hz 34 1280x1024 75Hz 35 1280x1024 85Hz 36 1400x1050 60Hz 37 1400x1050 75Hz 38 1400x1050 85H...

Page 111: ...0fps 62 5 Mbps 1080P 60fps 62 5 Mbps Motion JPEG 640x480 30fps 10 Mbps Other 1080P 30fps 40 Mbps avi MPEG1 2 MPEG4 Sorenson H 263 H 263 H 264 WMV3 Motion JPEG mkv MPEG1 2 MPEG4 H 263 H 264 WMV3 Motion...

Page 112: ...8Kbps 384Kbps MPEG1 2 Layer3 8Kbps 320Kbps WMA 128bps 320Kbps 8KHz 48KHz WMA 10 Pro M0 192kbps 48KHz WMA 10 Pro M1 384kbps 48KHz WMA 10 Pro M2 768kbps 96KHz mkv mka MPEG1 2 Layer1 32Kbps 448Kbps 16KH...

Page 113: ...KHz AAC HEAAC 8KHz 48KHz VORBIS Up to 48KHz LPCM 64Kbps 1 5Mbps 8KHz 48KHz IMA ADPCM MS ADPCM 384Kbps 8KHz 48KHz G711 A mu law 64Kbps 128Kbps 8KHz flv MPEG1 2 Layer3 8Kbps 320Kbps 16KHz 48KHz AAC HEAA...

Page 114: ...ark srt Subrip ssa ass SubStation Alpha smi SAMI sub SubViewer MicroDVD DVDSusbtitleSystem SubIdx VobSub SubViewer 1 0 2 0 Only txt TMPlayer Supported DVI Resolutions When connecting devices to your T...

Page 115: ...ot dispose the packaging waste with the household waste or other wastes dispose it to the packaging collection areas specified by local municipality Recommendations for Energy Saving Environmental Inf...

Page 116: ...s are mainly 2 types Type 1 The sub pixel lighting continuously may be red green or blue Type 2 The sub pixel which is continuously dim seems black The sub pixel errors determined according to the ISO...

Page 117: ...dcasts of satellite receivers which are not supported by other sources in terms of high definition DVD players or cable television and in these broadcasts mosaic images may occur sharpness and resolut...

Page 118: technically detected by the authorized service Therefore make sure that the panel screen of your appliance is never subjected to any external mechanical impact Otherwise as any damage caused by an...

Page 119: the defect and keep the defective good against the Seller 3 To request the sold good to be repaired at the seller s expense by bringing all repair costs to the seller if such costs are not excessiv...

Page 120: ...English 118 iOS ANDROID...

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