VESTEL 42PF8575 Operating Instructions Manual Download Page 1



3D SMART 42PF857542”LED


Summary of Contents for 42PF8575


Page 2: ...mbalaj malzemelerini ocuklar n eri ebilece i yerlerden uzak tutunuz Bo ulma tehlikesi vard r G kayna TV yaln zca 220 240 V AC 50 Hz k la al t r lmal d r Uyar Evden ayr l rken TV nizi bekleme konumunda...

Page 3: ...rulmal d r bu se enek mevcutsa LED Ekran Ara s ra ekranda sabit noktalar halinde mavi ye il veya k rm z birka l piksel belirebilir L tfen bunun r n n z n al mas n etkilemedi ini g z n nde bulundurunuz...

Page 4: ...kesme NTSC oynatma AVL Otomatik Ses S n rlama PLL Frekans Arama PC giri i Windows 98 ME 2000 XP Vista Windows Windows 8 i in Tak al t r Oyun Modu opsiyonel G r nt Kapal fonksiyonu nternet ba lant s v...

Page 5: ...program 31 AV Kaynak se imi 32 3D Ayarlar Dahil Olan Aksesuarlar Uzaktan Kumanda Piller 2 X AAA Kullanma K lavuzu Yan AV Ba lant Kablosu 3D G zl kleri x 4 Tu um 1 kullan m Bu tu un ana fonksiyonu Yout...

Page 6: ...n z neririz CI mod l n sadece TV KAPALI konumdayken tak n z veya kart n z Ayarlarla ilgili ayr nt lar i in mod l talimatlar k lavuzuna ba vurunuz Ko ullu Eri im Mod l n CAM ard ndan g r nt leme kart n...

Page 7: ...vizyonu Kapatmak i in TV yi d k g t ketimli bekleme moduna almak i in uzaktan kumanda zerinde ya da TV nin yan taraf ndaki tu una bas n Televizyonu tamamen kapatmak i in elektrik fi ini prizden ekiniz...

Page 8: ...da ANTEN se ene ini se erseniz dijital televizyon dijital karasal televizyon yay n arayacakt r NOT ptal etmek i in MENU MEN tu una basabilirsiniz T m mevcut kanallar kaydedildikten sonra ekranda Kanal...

Page 9: ...Ayarlar a gelip OK e bas n z Alt men lerde Uydu Ayarlar na gelip Ok e bask n z Anten Kurulumu nu se iniz TKGS Kurulumu na ba lamak i in yukar da belirtilen ad mlar takip ediniz lk Kurulum g ncellemesi...

Page 10: ...du Ekolayz r Ayarlar Favoriler Otomatik Kapanma Beni zle TV opsionel Bilgi Kitap ve ifte Ekran se eneklerini i erir H zl men y g rmek i in uzaktan kumandadaki Q MEN tu una bas n z Listelenen zellikler...

Page 11: ...ap lacak kanal se mek i in Yukar veya A a tu una bas n z Kanal Listesi men s nde bir fonksiyon se mek i in Sol veya Sa tu una bas n z Sayfay yukar veya a a hareket ettirmek i in P P tu lar n kullan n...

Page 12: ...n z G r lt Azaltma a a daki se eneklerden herhangi birisine ayarlanabilir D k Low Orta Medium Y ksek High veya Kapal Off Pixellence Demo Mode se ene i g r nt men s nde se ili hale getirildi inde Pixe...

Page 13: ...abilirsiniz VGA PC modunda G r nt men s ndeki baz eler kullan lmaz Bunun yerine VGA mod ayarlar PC moddayken G r nt Ayarlar na eklenecektir Ses Men s eri i Ses Ses seviyesini ayarlar Ekolayz r Ekolayz...

Page 14: ...Uydu Uydu kanallar n arar ve haf zaya al r El ile Kanal Tarama Bu zellik do rudan yay n giri i i in kullan labilir A Kanallar n Tarama Yay n sistemindeki ba lant l kanallar arar Analog nce Ayar Bu aya...

Page 15: ...ak kapanacakt r Bekleme Modunda Arama opsiyonel E er Bekleme Modunda Arama kapal konuma getirilirse bu i lev kullan lamaz Bekleme aramas yapmak i in l tfen BeklemeAramas n A k olarak se iniz E er TV b...

Page 16: ...ts zl klar ya arsan z 3D g zl kleri kar n 3D modunda izlemeyi b rak n ve dinlenin E er gerekli oldu unu d n rseniz bir doktora g r n n E er ocuklar 3D fonksiyonunu kullan yorsa bir yeti kinin onlar ko...

Page 17: ...duyarl olduklar ndan ilk retim ve lise a ndakiler dahil olmak zere ocuklar n za 3D TV izlerken g z kulak olunuz A a daki nlemleri alarak g rsel duyarl l k felci riskini azaltabilirsiniz 3D TV izlerke...

Page 18: ...D i lev modu kapan r Yaln zca 2D E er i erik 3D ise ancak siz 2D olarak izlemek istiyorsan z sadece 2D moduna ge ebilirsiniz Hangi t r i erikleri 2D olarak izlemek istedi inizi se ebilece iniz 2 se en...

Page 19: ...veya e it veya daha geni se desteklenir DTV de Sadece g r nt n n y ksekli i 1700 ile 1900 aras ndaysa ve g r nt n n geni li i 1280 veya 720 ye e itse desteklenir G r nt 1080i z n rl k sa l yorsa deste...

Page 20: ...safelere bu r nlerin yap land rmalar na radyo dalgas ko ullar na hat trafi ine ve kulland n z r nlere g re farkl l k g sterebilir Aktar mlar ayr ca radyo dalgas ko ullar na DECT telefonlara ya da di e...

Page 21: ...n kesmek i in Yap land rma Durumunu se ip OK tu una basmal s n z Men sekmeleri aras nda sol sa tu lar n kullanarak gezinebilirsiniz Diyalogun alt k sm ndaki yard m ubu u kullanmak isteyebilece iniz ze...

Page 22: ...modeminizin kullan c k lavuzuna bak n z Modeminiz i in y ksek h zl bir ba lant ya sahip olmal s n z Oynat m s ras nda kesinti veya yava tepkiler Bu durumda unlar deneyebilirsiniz Cihaz mikrodalga f r...

Page 23: ...yebilirsiniz nceki ekrana d nmek i in BACK RETURN tu una bas n z Uzaktan kumandan z n renkli tu lar i in tan mlanan k sayol zelli ini kullanarak eri ebilece iniz zellikler unlard r K rm z tu Arama Ana...

Page 24: ...b adresi girilerek Arama b l m nden herhangi bir anahtar kelime aratarak ya da kolayca bir link e t klayarak Ekrandaki i aret iyi ekran n orta b l m nden a a do ru kayd rd n zda uzaktan kumanda k sayo...

Page 25: ...yal verilen kanallarda mevcuttur u an i in Astra yay n ndaki bir ok HbbTV uygulamas Yay nc bir uygulamay otomatik ba lat olarak i aretler ve bu uygulama platform taraf ndan otomatik olarak ba lat l r...

Page 26: ...RTAL Bu tab Portal uygulamalar n kayd r labilir g r n mde g r nt ler FollowMeTV etkin olmad s rece se ilen uygulama TV ekran n zda g r nt lenecektir AYARLAR Uygulamay be eninize g re yap land r n A a...

Page 27: ...r n se er P P ve rakamlar 0 9 Sayfay se mek i in bas n z Not Pek ok TV istasyonu dizin sayfalar i in 100 kodunu kullan r TV niz hem FASTEKST hem de TOP tekst sistemlerini destekler Bu sistemler mevcut...

Page 28: ...tamamland nda yeni yaz l m aktive etmek i in yeniden ba latma mesaj g r n r Yeniden ba latma operasyonunun devam i in OK tu una bas n 3 3 AM arama ve y kseltme modu E er Y kseltme Se enekleri Upgrade...

Page 29: ...e ene ini iptal etmek i in tu una bas n veya sesi y kseltin 2 Ses hoparl rlerin sadece birinden geliyor Denge ayar u lardan birisine mi ayarlanm Ses Men s k sm na bak n z Uzaktan kumanda aleti al m yo...

Page 30: ...n Modlar A a daki tablo baz tipik video ekran konumlar n n bir rne idir TV niz t m z n rl kleri desteklemiyor olabilir TV niz 1920x1200 e kadar desteklemektedir Dizin z n rl k Frekans 1 640x400 70Hz 2...

Page 31: ...50Mbit sn mp4 mov MPEG1 2 z c s 3 AAC HEAAC AC3 EAC3 LPCM ADPCM H 264 1080Px2 25fps 1080P 50fpsDi er 1080P 30fps50Mbit sn avi MPEG1 2 4 Xvid H 264 VC1 WMV3 Sorenson H 263 Motion JPEG MPEG1 2 z c s 1 2...

Page 32: ...HDMI kullanarak r nle birlikte verilmemektedir bir cihaz ba lad n zda a a daki z l m bilgilerine ba vurabilirsiniz 56Hz 60Hz 66Hz 70Hz 72Hz 75Hz 640x400 640x480 800x600 832x624 1024x768 1152x864 1152x...

Page 33: ...sembollere sahip donan m s radan ev at klar yla ayn ekilde bertaraf edilmemelidir r n veya pili bertaraf etmek istiyorsan z l tfen uygun geri d n m i in toplama sistemlerini veya tesislerini kullan n...

Page 34: ...s recinde de kar la labilinir Alt piksel hatalar 2 ana e ittir Tip 1 S rekli yanan alt piksel k rm z ye il veya mavi olabilir Tip 2 S rekli s n k alt piksel siyah bir ekilde g r n r ISO 13406 2 standa...

Page 35: uydu al c s DVD player ya da kablolu kanal yay nlar nda beklenen performans al namayabilir ve bu yay nlarda resimde mozaiklenme veya resim netlik ve keskinli i az g r nt de ekranda baz efektler olu...

Page 36: ...ana m s resi i inde 1 Sat lan geri vermeye haz r oldu unu bildirerek s zle meden d nme 2 Sat lan al koyup ay p oran nda sat bedelinden indirim isteme se imlik haklar ndan birini Sat c ya kar 3 A r bir...

Page 37: ...nel List 45 Menu Features and Functions 46 47 48 49 Electronic Programme Guide EPG 50 Using the 3D Mode 50 Connectivity Functions 53 Teletext 58 Using SatcoDX Feature 58 Software Upgrade 58 Troublesho...

Page 38: ...a long period of time disconnect the power cord from the mains power socket The mains plug is used to disconnect TV set from the mains and therefore it must remain readily operable Do not place the T...

Page 39: ...e Up Down buttons Environmental Information This television is designed to consume less energy to save environment You not only help to save the environment but also you can save money by reducing ele...

Page 40: ...ramme 31 AV Source selection 32 3D Settings NOTE The Remote Control range is approximately 7m 23ft Using My button 1 Thisbutton smainfunctionistorunYoutubelink However if you want to change this funct...

Page 41: ...s SWITCHED OFF You should refer to the module instruction manual for details of the settings Insert the CAM and then the viewing card to the slot that is located in the terminal cover at the rear side...

Page 42: ...the mains socket outlet 1 3 Aerial or Cable Satellite DiSEqC Switch 300mA Max Switching On Off To Switch the TV On Connect the power cord to the 220 240V AC 50 Hz Press button Then the standby LED li...

Page 43: ...e mode option will beavailableinothersettingsmenuandyourTV sfeatures will be illustrated on the top of the screen A confirmation screen will be displayed after selecting the Store Mode Select YES to p...

Page 44: ...atellite and press OK to scan for services Unicable If you have multiple receivers and a unicable system select this antenna type Press OK to continue Configure settings by following instructions on t...

Page 45: ...This may cause physical damage to the USB player and USB device itself Do not pull out USB module while playing a file Media Browser Menu You can play photo music and movie files stored on a USB disk...

Page 46: ...rmation on using this feature refer to the instructions of the application you use E Manual You can find instructions for your TV s features in the E Manual To use E Manual press to the Info button wh...

Page 47: ...llence demomodewillbedisplayed bottomofthemenuscreen PixellencefunctionoptimizestheTV svideosettingsandhelps toacquireabetterimagequality Pixellencemodethusincludescontrast sharpness colour enhancemen...

Page 48: ...programmes For instance volume level of advertisements tend to be louder than programmes Headphone Lineout optional When you connect an external amplifier to your TV using the headphone jack you can...

Page 49: ...FF Illuminated Logo optional This settings configures illusminated logo preferences Watching Mode On The brand logo will illuminatedonlyinwatchingmode StandbyModeOn Thebrandlogowillilluminatedonlyinst...

Page 50: ...g software for more information DLNA renderer mode will not be available with internet portal feature Power Up Mode This setting configures the power up mode preference Always On The TV always switche...

Page 51: ...g time remove 3D glasses stop watching 3D mode and rest You should consult a doctor if you believe it is necessary It is recommended that an adult should check on children if the children are using 3D...

Page 52: ...nconscious action convulsion loss of conscience confusion or disorientation loss of directional sense cramps or nausea When watching 3D TV monitor your children including teenagers because they may be...

Page 53: ...s 3D Mode to Side by Side or Top Bottom according to the split screen type that the game includes 2D Only If content is 3D but you want to watch it in 2D you can switch to 2D only mode There are 2 opt...

Page 54: ...the middle of the screen SBS Side By Side TB Top Bottom MBP Media Browser Picture MBV Media Browser Video FC Frame Compatible FP Frame Pack in MBP Supported only when the image s height is multiples...

Page 55: ...ease refer Network Settings section in the following sections Broadband ISP Connection A Wireless N router IEEE 802 11a b g n with simultaneous 2 4 and 5 GHz bands designed to increase bandwidth Optim...

Page 56: ...n Advanced Mode press RED button to edit settings When finished press OK to save Press RETURN BACK to cancel ConfiguringWirelessDeviceSettings Optional Wi Fi feature can be used for a wireless network...

Page 57: ...evice for detailed information Scan for devices After you select your TV and connect the screen of your device will be displayed on your TV Note This feature can be used only if the mobile device supp...

Page 58: ...r further information on file playback Subtitle files do not work if you watch video from network through DLNA You can connect only one television with DLNA to same network If a problem occurs with DL...

Page 59: ...ppears Operate it with the coloured buttons cursor buttons and OK button The operation method may differ depending on the contents of the digital teletext Follow the instructions displayed on digital...

Page 60: ...s no power please check the power cord plug is connect to the mains power socket Poor picture 1 Have you selected the correct TV system 2 Is your TV or house aerial located too close to a non earthed...

Page 61: ...mode of the application via pressing red button It should be noted that the red button switching capability is provided by the application and some application may behave differently If you switch to...

Page 62: ...s bar You can search keywords by clicking search button in the address dialog or just click on links When you scroll down the pointer to the middle of the screen remote control s shortcuts will be sho...

Page 63: ...our network and web service quality PORTAL This tab displays the Portal applications in scrollable view Unless FollowMeTV is active the selected application will be displayed on your TV screen SETTING...

Page 64: ...mart Center app 5 Vitamio plugin app for Android 6 Router modem 7 USB storage device Note 7 and 10 tablets with common resolutions are supported Appendix A Nero MediaHome Installation To install Nero...

Page 65: ...ment Appendix B PC Typical Display Modes The following table is an illustration of some of the typical video display modes Your TV may not support all resolutions Your TV supports up to 1920x1200 Inde...

Page 66: ...sec mp4 mov MPEG1 2 Layer 3 AAC HEAAC AC3 EAC3 LPCM ADPCM H 264 1080Px2 25fps 1080P 50fpsOther 1080P 30fps50Mbit sec avi MPEG1 2 4 Xvid H 264 VC1 WMV3 Sorenson H 263 Motion JPEG MPEG1 2 Layer 1 2 3 AA...

Page 67: ...ectors by using DVI converter cables not supplied you can refer to the following resolution information 56Hz 60Hz 66Hz 70Hz 72Hz 75Hz 640x400 640x480 800x600 832x624 1024x768 1152x864 1152x870 1280x76...

Page 68: ...e symbols indicate that equipment with these symbols should not be disposed of as general household waste If you want to dispose of the product or battery please consider the collection systems or fac...

Page 69: ...els may cause sub pixel errors by way of lighting continuously or remaining dim continuously Please consider the following explanation about a possible sub pixel error This problem can be encountered...

Page 70: ...pported by other sources in terms of high definition DVD players or cable television and in these broadcasts mosaic images may occur sharpness and resolution of the image may be low some effects may a...

Page 71: ...L Model 3D SMART 42PF8575 42 LED TV r n EMC elektromanyetik uyumluluk normlar EN 55013 2001 A1 2003 A2 2006 EN 55020 2007 A11 2011 EN 55022 2010 AC 2011 Class B EN 55024 2010 EN 61000 3 2 2006 A1 2009...

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Page 74: ...C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Vestel_musteri_hiz_sayfasi_BASKI pdf 1 9 11 14 2 16 PM...

Page 75: ...el 44 44 123 Web www vestel com tr destek E posta vmh vestel com tr Cihaz n z n T C G mr k ve Ticaret Bakanl T keticinin Korunmas ve Piyasa G zetimi Genel M d rl nce tespit ve ilan edilen kullan m mr...
