LaserSCANNER Product Manual
VESDA Product Warranty Conditions
VFS International Pty Ltd (
) warrants that new VESDA products (excluding consumable items) will conform to its published
specifications and remain in good working order during the warranty period of 24 (twenty four) months from the date an invoice is issued by
VFS to its distributor.
VFS also warrants that products serviced or repaired by its service department will remain in good working order for a warranty period of
12 (twelve) months from the date of service. This service or repair warranty is only available on products less than 7 (seven) years old and
only covers those component parts of the products serviced, repaired or replaced.
Should product under warranty not be in good working order, VFS will, at its option, either repair or replace the product or its component
parts at no additional charge.
Spare parts and replacement product, covered under this warranty, will be furnished on an exchange basis and will, at the option of VFS
either be new, equivalent to new or reconditioned. Returned parts and products to VFS become the property of VFS.
This warranty does not cover the repair or damage to the product resulting from or arising out of (i) negligence or improper use storage,
installation, configuration, commission, service, maintenance or handling of the product (where 'improper' includes treatment other than in
accordance with any manual or instructions for use of the product); (ii) accident, unforeseeable circumstances or disaster; (iii)
modifications to the product other than in accordance with VFS's instructions; (iv) attachment of features or interoperation with features,
software or products not approved by VFS in writing; or (v) where the product has been serviced by persons not authorized by VFS in
writing to service the product.
Document Conventions
The following typographic conventions are used in this document.
The following icons are used in this document
Warranty service may be obtained by:
Notifying Vision Systems and giving full description of fault. Vision Systems will first attempt to rectify fault by supplying replacement
component parts. If rectification is not achieved by component part replacement then distributor is to return faulty product to Vision
Systems at Vision Systems cost once Vision Systems has given approval to do so.
Used to denote: emphasis
Used for names of menus, menu options, toolbar buttons
Used to denote: references to other parts of this document or
other documents. Used for the result of an action
Caution: This icon is used to indicate that there is a danger to
equipment. The danger could be loss of data, physical damage,
or permanent corruption of configuration details.
Warning: This icon is used to indicate that there is a danger of
electric shock. This may lead to death or permanent injury.
Warning: This icon is used to indicate that there is a danger of
inhaling dangerous substances. This may lead to death or
permanent injury.