VESDA by Xtralis
VESDA VLQ Product Guide
1. Secure the Junction Box (A) to the hard surface with appropriate fasteners.
2. Connect wiring conduit (C) to Junction Box and pass the wires through.
3. Remove the detector base from the detector body by holding the detector body and rotating the base
4. Pass wires through the detector base and screw the detector base to the Surface Mount Bracket (B).
5. Screw the surface mount bracket to the junction box and pass the wires through its holes, ensuring that
the sampling pipe inlet arrows on the surface mount bracket are appropriately positioned.
6. Feed wires through the wire retaining strip on the base of the detector and attach to the appropriate
terminal block connectors.
7. Fit the terminal bock connectors to the appropriate sockets on the terminal block.
8. Align detector body to the base so that there is room to rotate it clockwise, ensuring that pipe inlets
match the arrows shown on the detector body.
9. Insert pipes into the pipe inlets and seat them tightly.
Mounting without Junction Box
This mounting technique is used where concealed cable entry is possible.
Figure 4-5: Ceiling mounted with no Junction Box
1. Remove the detector base from detector body by holding the detector body and rotating the base anti-
2. Secure the detector base to the hard surface with appropriate fasteners, ensuring that the sampling pipe
inlet arrows on the detector base are appropriately positioned.
3. Remove the appropriate number of side teeth above the sloped front panel cover (Figure 4-6) to allow
wires to pass through.
4. Feed wires through the wire retaining strip on the base of the detector and attach to the appropriate
terminal block connectors.
5. Fit the terminal bock connectors to the appropriate sockets on the terminal block.
6. Align detector body to the base so that there is room to rotate it clockwise, ensuring that pipe inlets
match the arrows shown on the detector body.
7. Insert pipes into the pipe inlets and seat them tightly.
Remove Teeth
Figure 4-6: Remove teeth to provide cabling access