Appendix 1 Technical Parameter 53
NetSure 801 AG1 Power Supply System User Manual
Output delay startup
The startup time is configurable through controller. The time is 8s at 90% rated
load, and 90s at 100% rated load
Fan controlling
Rectifier fan speed can be increased when the rectifier temperature and output
current is raising. The fan speed will reach full speed when ambient
temperature is more than 45°C or full loads output. If the PFC bus voltage
exceeds the normal range, for example in the case of low bus voltage, the fan
will stop to work
Overvoltage protection mode
The rectifier provides overvoltage hardware and software protection. The
hardware protection point is 59.5V ± 0.5V, and it requires manual resetting to
restore operation. The software protection point is between 56V and 59V, and
can be set through the controller
When the output voltage of rectifier is higher the overvoltage protection point,
the rectifier will shutdown. The overvoltage protection point is between 56V
and 59V, and can be set through the controller. The alarm indicator (red) will
be on when rectifier occurs overvoltage protection. The protection event will be
set to the controller which will deal with this alarm. If the rectifier happens four
times overvoltage in 5min, it requires manual resetting to restore the operation
There are two software setting modes through the controller on rectifier:
1. Restart by hand
2. Restart automatically after overvoltage protection in 5s
Temperature derating
Temperature below 45°C, outputs full power: 5,800W
Temperature above 45°C, outputs power derated
Conducted emission
Class A EN300386
Radiated emission
Immunity to ESD
Criterion B EN/IEC 61000-4-2
Immunity to EFT
Level 3 EN/IEC 61000-4-4
Level 4 EN/IEC 61000-4-5
Immunity to radiation
Criterion A EN/IEC 61000-4-3
Immunity to conduction
Criterion A EN/IEC61000-4-6
Safety regulation
Compliant with IEC60950
The noise is not more than 60dB (A) when ambient temperature is 25°C
Insulation resistance
At temperature of 15°C ~ 35°C and relative humidity not bigger than 90%RH,
apply a test voltage of 500Vdc. The insulation resistances between AC circuit
and earth, DC circuit and earth, and AC and DC circuits are all not less than
Insulation strength
Remove the SPD, controller and rectifiers from the system before the test
AC circuit to earth: 50Hz, 2,500Vac
AC circuit to DC circuit: 50Hz, 3,000Vac
DC circuit to earth: 50Hz, 1,000Vac
Assistant circuit (not directly connected to the host circuit): 50Hz, 500Vac
For all the four tests above, there should be no breakdown or flashover within
1min, with leakage current not bigger than 10mA
compliant with R5 requirement
Dimension (mm)
Rectifier cabinet
2000 (H) × 600 (W) × 600 (D)
Contains the height of the top section
PD48/2000DU DC distribution
2350 (H) × 600 (W) × 600 (D)
Contains the height of the top section
PD48/2000DD DC distribution
2200 (H) × 600 (W) × 600 (D)
Controller M830D
87.5 (H) × 85.5 (W) × 287.5 (D)
Rectifier R48-5800A/R48-5800e
87.5 (H) × 243.5 (W) × 371.5 (D)
Weight (kg)
Rectifier cabinet (not including
DC distribution
Controller M830D
Rectifier R48-5800 A/R48-5800e