Mechanical Installation
| Liebert
Parallel Cabinet User Manual |
The Liebert EXM Parallel Cabinet requires both power and control cabling once it has been
mechanically installed. All control cables must be separate from the power cables. Run control
cables in metal conduits or metal ducts that are electrically bonded to the cabinets they are
connected to.
The cable design must comply with the voltages and currents provided in
, follow
local wiring practices and take into consideration the environmental conditions (temperature and
physical support media).
For cable entry locations, refer to
The following are guidelines only and are superseded by local regulations and codes of practice
where applicable:
• Take special care when determining the size of the neutral cable (grounded conductor), because current
circulating on the neutral cable may be greater than nominal current in the case of nonlinear loads.
• The grounding conductor should be sized according to local or NEC codes, cable lengths, type of
protection, etc. The grounding cable connecting the UPS to the main ground system must follow the most
direct route possible.
• Consider using smaller, paralleled cables for heavy currents as a way of easing installation.
Risk of electric shock. Can cause equipment damage, injury and death.
Before cabling up the cabinet, ensure that you are aware of the location and operation of
the external isolators that connect the input/bypass supply.
Check that these supplies are electrically isolated, and post any necessary warning signs to
prevent their inadvertent operation.
Risque de décharge électrique pouvant entraîner des dommages matériels, des blessures
et même la mort.
Avant de procéder au câblage de l’armoire, assurez-vous que vous êtes au courant de
l’emplacement et du fonctionnement des isolateurs externes qui raccordent l’alimentation
d’entrée ou de dérivation.
Vérifiez que ces raccords sont isolés électriquement et installez tous les panneaux
d’avertissement nécessaires pour empêcher leur utilisation accidentelle.