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Installation Guide
Power Monitoring
E31E Series
Signed power: Users can configure the E31E to report power as a signed value indicating whether the power is
currently being delivered (imported from the grid) or received (exported to the grid) for channels with generation
sources or bi-directional (regenerative) loads. When signed power is disabled, the energy accumulators include all
energy measured, regardless of direction. When signed power is enabled, the energy accumulators only include all
energy delivered (imported from the grid).
Signed power factor: By default the E31E reports power factor as an unsigned value. The user can set it to report as a
signed value, where the sign indicates whether the current phase angle leads or lags the corresponding voltage phase.
Demand/snapshot time interval source: The E31E offers two mechanisms for driving the demand/snapshot time
interval, an interval timer or an RTC (real-time clock). The legacy mode (default) uses an interval timer that does not
need to be set to an absolute time. When using the interval timer the demand/snapshot interval can be set from
10 to 32767 seconds (over 9 hours). An alternate mode utilizes an RTC set to a specific date and time to synchronize
the results with a larger system. The RTC must first be set in order to run and capture demand values and energy
snapshots. When power is interrupted, the RTC resets to a default date and time and must be set again in order to run.
When using the RTC, the demand/snapshot interval can be set from 10 to 3600 seconds (1 hour).
Monitoring of Mains
Real Time Measurements
Current: multi-phase average and per phase
Current phase angle
Real power (kW): multi-phase total and per phase
Apparent power (kVA): multi-phase total and per phase
Power factor: multi-phase average and per phase
Voltage - L-L: multi-phase average and per phase
Voltage - L-N: multi-phase average and per phase
Frequency (phase A)
Demand Measurements
Current present demand: multi-phase average and per phase
Real Power (kW) present demand: multi-phase average and per phase
Historic Maximums
Maximum instantaneous current: multi-phase average and per phase
Maximum current demand: multi-phase average and per phase
Maximum real power demand: multi-phase total and per phase
Accumulated Energy
Energy (kWh): multi-phase total and per phase
Energy Snapshots
Energy (kWh): multi-phase total and per phase
Monitoring of Branch Circuits
Real Time Measurements
Current: multi-phase average and per phase
Current phase angle per branch
Real power (kW): multi-phase total and per phase
Apparent power (kVA): multi-phase total and per phase
Power factor: multi-phase average and per phase
Demand Measurements
Current present demand: multi-phase average and per phase
Real power (kW) present demand: multi-phase average and per phase
Historic Maximums
Maximum instantaneous current: multi-phase average and per phase
Maximum current demand: multi-phase average and per phase
Maximum real power demand: multi-phase total and per phase
Accumulated Energy
Energy (kWh): multi-phase total and per phase
Energy Snapshots
Energy (kWh): multi-phase total and per phase
Modbus Alarms
Voltage over/under
Branch current over/under
Mains current over/under
Data Outputs (cont.)
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