Operation and maintenance, Discfilter HSF2600 - 2,3 series with PFLC
6.2 Extend the backwash pipe
NOTE! Prior to servicing, read section 2.7.
1. Turn the mode selector to “HAND” and lift
the filter cover on the backwash pipe side, see
section 6.1.
2. When the cover is fully opened on the back-
wash pipe side, B3.2, B3.3 and B7.2, as shown
in Figure 6.7 will be on. The backwash pipe
can now be extended, keep the “Out” button
as shown in Figure 6.7 pressed until the “B4.2
Spray bar Out” light comes on.
6.3 Backwash system
NOTE! Prior to servicing, read section 2.7.
The most common cause of disruption in the backwash system is nozzle clogging. Clogging is
caused by particles in the wash water and/or by e.g. biological fouling in the pipe system.
6.3.1 Servicing nozzles
1. Open the cover on the side of the rinser header according to section 6.1.
2. Open the bypass valve (B), see Figure 6.9.
3. Click the Back arrow to go back a step, see Figure 6.10.
4. Select “Pump & Drum”, see Figure 6.11.
Maintain a safe distance from the filter whilst the drum is rotating.
5. Select “Start” in the “Drum” window, see Figure 6.12.
Figure 6.8 Filter cover open and backwash pipe extended.
Figure 6.9 Main valve A and bypass valve B.