Operation and maintenance, Discfilter HSF2600 - 2,3 series with PFLC
4.2 Automatic settings
The control system for the HSF2600 series must always be equipped with a frequency converter
for the drive unit. This is factory calibrated if delivered from Hydrotech. To perform a soft start of
the drive motor, the frequency converter settings must be min. 5 sec “ramp up” and min. 3 sec
“ramp down”. The filter works with 50 Hz as standard.
If the filter is equipped with a Hydrotech standard control, the filter has three operating modes:
1. Automatic level control (AUTO mode).
2. Remote control (REMOTE mode).
3. Service mode (HAND mode).
Turn the mode selector to select the appropriate operating mode (see Figure 4.2, detail F).
Figure 4.2 Front side of electrical cabinet.
A. Operator panel
B. Warning lamp: Fault indicator
C. Warning lamp: Chemical cleaning
D. Indicator lamp: Drum operation
E. Indicator lamp: Pump operation
F. Operation mode switch (Auto/Hand/Remote)
G. Main power switch
H. Emergency stop
I. Reset button following emergency stop