The unit has the following operating logic:
Warm stale extract air from the room flows to the unit, where it is filtered, then air flows through the heat exchanger and is exhausted
outside by the extract fan. Clean cold air from outside is moved to the supply filter. Then filtered air flows through the heat exchanger and is
moved to the room with the supply fan.
Heat energy of warm extract air is transferred to clean intake fresh air from outside and warms it up. Heat recovery minimizes thermal
energy losses and space heating expenses in cold seasons.
The unit is equipped with a detachable service panel for repair and maintenance operations and a cover enabling access to the control
system components.
supply air
extract air
intake air
exhaust air
Unit operating logic based on VUT 600 PW EC unit example
The basic unit delivery set includes a control panel for connection to the control system inside the unit casing using a data cable.
The unit is equipped with a supply and an extract centrifugal single-inlet fans with backward curved blades; maintenance-free EC motors
with an external rotor and a built-in overheating protection; a plate counterflow heat exchanger and a water heater.
The supply G4 filter cleans supply air flow and prevents contamination of the unit parts. The extract G4 filter prevents contamination of
the unit components.
Some condensate may form during heat recovery. The condensate is collected in the drain pan and is removed from the unit through the
drain pipes.
The unit is equipped with a heat exchanger(s) freeze protection. If the air temperature in the intake air duct is below +3°C, the bypass
damper opens and automatically controls the air temperature.
Heat exchanger
Supply fan
Control unit
Extract filter
Water heater
Extract fan
Supply filter
Unit design based on VUT 600 PW EC unit example