Pull Cord Function
Pull Boost 1 Pull Boost 2 Pull Trickle
Pulling the pullcord will activate boost 1, a second pull will enter boost 2 and a third pull
will cancel the boost, returning the fan to trickle speed. The pullcord can be used to
cancel an LS activated boost, if the fan is in an LS activated boost pulling the pullcord
will first enter boost a further pull will return the fan to trickle.
Data Logger (Revive 5,Revive 7 & Revive Intermittent models)
With the fan powered up; upon removing the cover the display will automatically
activate. It will display the commissioning options. Holding down the Mode button for 5
seconds will open the data logger menu. Use the mode button to move the display to
the next data set.
Data Logger Menu
* When the display is rotated the decimal point will no longer display; eg. 055 represents 5.5KWh
Data Examples
Text scrolling from right to left
In this example the display is showing a total run time of 1 year and 237 days.
Text scrolling from right to left
In this example the display is showing 34Wh of energy consumption in the
previous 24h.
Returning to commissioning mode
A further 5 second press of the Mode button will return the fan to the commissioning
Display text
tot run 00y 00d
Total run time in years and days
Tri run 00y 00d
Trickle speed run time in years and days
Boo run 00d 00h
Boosted run time in days and hours
rhu run 00d 00h
Humidity boosted run time in days and hours
tot EnErgy 00.0
Total Energy used displayed in KWh*
24h EnErgy 00
Energy used in last 24 hours displayed in Wh