DVM1190 GB
6.7. Diode
Disconnect circuit power and discharge all capacitors before testing diodes.
1. Put the selector in the
2. Press the yellow key once to activate the diode test.
3. Connect the black test lead with the COM and the red test lead with the V
4. Connect the red lead with the anode and the black lead with the cathode of the diode to be tested.
5. The device displays the approx. forward voltage of the diode.
6.8. Continuity
Deactivate the circuit to be tested and make sure all capacitors have been fully discharged prior to measuring the
circuit’s continuity.
1. Put the selector in the
2. Press the yellow button twice to activate the continuity test mode.
3. Connect the black lead with the COM jack and the red test lead with the
4. Connect the test leads with two points of the circuit to be tested.
5. The built-in buzzer sounds if continuity exists.
6.9. Capacitance Measurements
Disconnect the test leads from the circuits to be measured before testing a capacitor in order to avoid electroshocks.
Also make sure the capacitors have been discharged fully before inserting them into the socket.
The device measures capacitance in the following ranges : 50.00nF, 500.0nF, 5.000µF, 50.00µF and 100.0µF. The
device may need a few seconds to produce a stable reading, which is normal when measuring high capacitance
values. Note that accuracy for measurements below 500pF is not guaranteed.
Subtract the residual capacitance of the meter and the leads to improve the accuracy of measurements < 50nF.
1. Put the selector in the range.
2. Connect the black lead with the COM jack and the red test lead with the jack (or use the multifunctional
3. Make sure the capacitor has been fully discharged and connect the test leads with the capacitor to be tested.
4. Read the value from the LCD.
6.10. Frequency and Duty Cycle Measurements
1. Put the selector in an AC voltage or AC current range and press the Hz % button.
2. Read the frequency of the AC signal from the display.
3. Press the Hz % button again to make a duty cycle measurement.
4. Read the percentage of duty cycle from the display.
Notes :
Use shielded cable to measure small signals in a noisy environment.
Do not measure frequencies > 1000V to avoid electroshocks or damage to the device.