Emergency system info & disclaimer
Emergency lighting Notes
Owner of the building / luminaires (or acting party instead) is obliged to keep a logbook according to NEN-EN 1838 &
NEN-EN-IEC 60598-2-22 of their emergency installation. The logbook should state at least:
- Installation date of luminaires;
- Document regular inspection routines;
- Document replacements and/or maintenance
- Logbook should be available for a minimum period of three years
- Emergency fittings are foreseen with at minimum one continues power circuit (phase) connection.
When installing
emergency luminaire(s) make sure there is a continues power supply available and connected
- After installation it should be avoided that there are any interruptions in this continues power supply.
In case of self-contained emergency:
- The emergency luminaire(s) can operate b5 °C to +25 °C with a maximum humidity of 65 % ± 5 %
- Before installing the emergency luminaire(s) write the installation date on the battery
- The luminaire(s) must be installed within a period of 3 months after production of the luminaire(s)
- If the luminaire(s) is not connected within a period of 1 month, disconnect the battery from the luminaire
- After full installation of all the emergency luminaire(s) a period of 48 hours is required to fully charge the batteries,
afterwards document the functioning of all luminaire(s) for the building operator
- Repeated power outages will reduce the lifespan of the batteries dramatically
- The emergency luminaire(s) may be discharged max. 4 cycles per year plus 2 cycles during commissioning.
Each DALI emergency gear is individually addressable on its DALI bus and each gear can be commanded individually to
carry out an emergency test. So rather than testing all the emergency luminaires in one zone together each emergency
luminaire in the zone can be tested at a different time, therefore ensure the safety of the zone at all times.
If the emergency and normal drivers in a luminaire are both DALI gear, then each can be separately addressed
on the same DALI bus. This allows common wiring to be used for both normal lighting control and emergency test
control. During a failure of the permanent mains supply, the TrustSight driver acts autonomously to provide escape
lighting, regardless of the state of the DALI bus.
The TrustSight DALI version is equipped with a self-test functionality according to IEC 62034. Automatic tests will
be preformed according to the duration test (every 52 weeks) and functional test (every 7 days) programmable interval
times. DALI standard operating mode the duration test will be preformed as long as the rated duration time (3 hours).
The automatic duration test will always run until the battery is fully discharged. Full discharges are recommended for
battery maintenance.
Conditions for self-test
The TrustSight driver must be permanently connected to mains power whenever a duration test or functionality test is
executed and the battery must be charging or fully charged. When scheduling a duration or functionality test the
operation of the AC-driver is also checked. When the AC-driver is powered up, the test can be postphoned up to 3 days
(in 24/7 lighting situations). When the AC-driver is off for at least 2 hours the test will be started.
Reset to factory default
In certain cases, it may be required that the TrustSight driver be reset to factory default settings.
This can be achieved in the following way:
Apply mains power and apply 12Vdc on battery input (apply at the same time or within 2s).
After 1s the LED indicator will start flashing fast RED for 2s (4 times).
Remove 12Vdc on battery input while the LED is flashing.
After 1s the LED indicator will light up continuously GREEN for 2s.
Disconnect main power.
The driver has now been reset to its factory default settings.
LED status indicator
The LED status indicator shows whether:
- The system is in charging mode
- Batteries are fully charged
- A system error had occured, see also the overview table in section 2 of this manual.
Manual Veko linear lighting system / IP65 / V04 / 2020-09-29 / Emergency system info & disclaimers