6 Set up with the display and adjustment module
MINITRAC 31 • Foundation Fieldbus
In the menu item "
Lock/unlock adjustment
", you can protect the sen-
sor parameters against unauthorized or inadvertent modification. The
sensor is locked/unlocked permanently.
With locked instrument, only the following adjustment functions are
possible without entering a PIN:
Select menu items and show data
Read data from the sensor into the display and adjustment module
Before you lock the sensor in unlocked condition, you can modify the
four-digit PIN number.
Keep the entered PIN number in mind. Operation of the sensor is only
possible with this PIN number.
When the PIN is active, adjustment via PACTware/DTM as well as
other systems is also blocked.
In delivery status, the PIN is
Call our service department if you have modified and forgotten the
6.7 Parameter adjustment - Real value correction
To correct a level measurement, a real value correction can be carried
out when a certain level is reached. This is for example necessary in
case of recurring buildup on the vessel wall.
The level measurement can thus be reset to the correct real value.
The level measuring instrument acts as Primary and the MINITRAC
31 operates as Secondary.
First of all, define the function of the Secondary instruments before
you define the Primary instrument. The Primary instrument can thus
immediately recognize the connected Secondaries.
For this purpose, the Secondary instrument must be defined as "Real
value correction". Select under the menu item "
Setup - Application
the function "Real value correction".
The address setting (MGC) on the Secondary instruments can be
freely selected. Only the address "0 - 0" is reserved for the Primary
The Primary instrument must have the function "Level". For this pur-
pose, select under the menu item "
Setup - Application
" the function
Set the address setting (MGC) on the Primary instrument to "0 - 0".
Lock/Unlock adjustment
Real value correction