Frame/packet arrival analysis
Received traffic type analysis
Received traffic frame size analysis
On the transmit side, the throughput application allows for the configuration of up to 8 traffic streams with their own MAC and IP
addresses, VLAN tags (up to 3 per stream), bandwidth/rate, frame size, and L2 and/or L3 quality of service (QoS) parameters. On
the receiver end, the traffic is analyzed on a per stream (up to 8 streams) basis as well as a global or aggregate measurement.
This application is very useful in verifying the transport of traffic with different prioritization settings across a network link. The test
helps verify that the network can handle high priority traffic and low priority traffic accordingly.
9.1 Setup
Unless otherwise noted, the Frame Header and related setups are identical to the
Applications described
above. The following parameters must be configured prior to performing a Throughput test:
Number of streams (see General Settings below)
Bandwidth per stream (see General Settings below)
Test layer
Frame Type
VLAN tag(s)
MPLS tag(s)
Frame header per stream (if applicable)
Traffic profile per stream (if applicable)
Error injection per stream (if applicable)
Control settings of the far-end device(s) (if applicable)
9.1.1 General Settings
Load a previously configured test profile or create a new profile from the existing settings.
RTD Measurement:
Enable/disable the round trip delay measurement. It should only be enabled when running the test to a
remote loopback.
Total TX Rate (Mbps):
Sum of all stream rates.
# of Streams:
From 1 to 8 streams. Pressing the zoom function (magnifying glass) displays the Bandwidth allocated per
The total bandwidth for all streams cannot exceed 100%.
Throughput Setup - General
Throughput Setup - Stream BW Overview
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