EMR4 Troubleshooting Guide
Relay Setup Error Codes
the printer and the remaining information will finish printing. Keep in mind that if the operator thinks all of the lines
printed, there may still be blank lines in the format that have to print to complete the ticket.
Cycling the printer power will clear the printer memory and the Printer Busy Error. However, the transaction record
is in the EMR4 system memory and can be recalled using view records or printing records.
Hardware and Printer Busy
If one of the communications wires between the printer and the IB is not connected, the printer will not print, but
the printer icon will flash after a transaction. When the ticket is removed, the register can be reset by pushing
FINISH, but again, when the START button is pushed, the Printer Busy Error will show because there is still
information from the previous transaction to print. To clear this error; (1) connect the printer and let it print, or (2)
disable the printer in the setup menu.
These are 4-digit coded exception processing errors associated with booting up the EMR4 system. Try cycling
power Off and On before replacing the Display Head.
Error – Indicates a CPU processing error associated with embedded software used by the EMR4 system. Try
cycling power to the IB Box before initializing NVRAM and reprogramming the Display Head. Note that this Error
may appear in either the Register Field or the Grand Totalizer Field.
Relay Setup Error Codes
Relay setup errors occur while entering relay or preset information in Setup Mode. When using 2-stage valves,
relay 1 is used to control the fast-flow solenoid and relay 2 is used to control the single flow solenoid. Under the
RELAY CONTROL settings, two values are used to knockoff each solenoid prior to the end of a preset delivery:
SET SLOW FLOW (relay 1) and SET ADVANCE STOP (relay 2).
The volume for flow control relay 2 is set to a volume greater than the volume entered for flow control relay 1. Fix
this condition by setting the volume for SET ADVANCE STOP to a number of units smaller than the volume for
Calibration Error Codes
Calibration errors occur during meter calibration and must be corrected in order to continue with this process.
A meter calibration must be performed for this product.
One of the multipoint calibration values is different by more that 0.25% of the previous value. For example if
calibration point 1 is 100.00 than calibration point 2 must be between 99.75 and 100.25 counts. Push any button
to clear the error code. Push the NEXT button to begin calibrating a new flow rate point using either Auto
Calibrate or Multicalibrate. It is also acceptable to calculate the counts and enter them manually using the manual
calibrate feature.
The EMR default setting for entering multiple calibration values requires the user to enter values that are within
0.25% of each other. For example the following set of calibration values are acceptable, 99.66, 99.82, 100.08 but
the following will cause an E65 – CALIBRATION ERROR: 100.25, 100.93, 101.57. To turn off the E65 error
code, just DISABLE the Multicalibrate 0.25% Difference feature.