3. WhY DO i GeT leSS ranGe aT hiGher
It takes more energy to push a Vectrix faster
because you encounter aerodynamic resistance.
The faster you attempt to travel the more
important this factor becomes. Also it is a
fundamental characteristic of battery energy
storage systems that the amount of energy you
are able to extract from the battery is inversely
proportional to the rate at which you drawing
out the energy. If a battery pack is rated for
30 Ah if you draw 10 amperes of current you
will deliver more energy that if you are drawing
100 amperes of current. Bottom line is that the
more conservative you drive the further you will
travel on a single charge.
faster Speed = reduced range
4. hOW DOeS Tire preSSUre affeCT ranGe?
As the Vectrix is ridden, heat is generated in the
tires from deformation at the contact patch. Higher
inflation pressure reduces this deformation,
which results in reduced heating of the tire and
reduced energy loss. A tire that is at 2/3 the
proper inflation pressure will have as much as
30% greater rolling resistance than a tire inflated
to the specified pressure. This difference can
easily be felt when moving the vehicle manually.
More force is required to move the vehicle when
tire pressure is low. Keep the tires inflated to the
specified pressure to maximize range.
incorrect Tire pressure = reduced range
At Vectrix we understand the exhilarating feeling
you get from aggressive acceleration in either the
forward or regenerative braking modes. This is
very special machine with unique performance
characteristics. However, if maximizing range is your
primary objective, we suggest you drive sensibly and
conservatively since it will extend your range and
provide a safer ride for you and those around you.