Your Vectrix has the ability to reverse at very low
speeds to assist you with maneuvers such as
backing out of parking spots. Reverse is only
enabled when the Vectrix is completely stopped.
The Vectrix will reverse at a slow speed of
2 mph (3 km/h). Release the throttle and the
reverse drive ceases. To activate reverse from a
complete stop, return the throttle to the neutral
position or a slightly positive position (in the A
direction). Now roll the throttle forward (in the B
direction) to move in reverse. By requiring that
the throttle returns to neutral before activating
reverse, the bike is prevented from going into
reverse immediately after using regen to stop.
. On/Off CUT-Off SWiTCh
The power switch is a fast, convenient method of
shutting down the Vectrix in either an emergency
or under normal operation. Use your right thumb
to operate the power switch. Push down to turn
the switch on and push up to turn the switch off.
righT handlEBar sWiTchEs/ThroTTlE