©Vecow ECX-1200/1100 User Manual
Appendix A
Sample ECX1K2.exe, as shown below :
DIO1/DIO2 group :
Isolate check button :
DIO type of DIO configuration, isolated/non-isolated.
Read button :
Set DIO configuration to get DI/DIO input state.
DO type check button :
User setting, DO type of DIO configuration to setup 8 pins - Source/Sink.
Use for Write (DO) button activate.
Write button :
Set DIO configuration to set DO/DIO output state.
DI preference text :
User setting, DI type of DIO configuration by hexadecimal bitmask - Source/
Use for Read (DI) button activate.
DO/DIO output text :
User setting, DO/DIO output state by hexadecimal bitmask - on/off.
Use for Write button activate.
DO/DIO writable text :
User setting, DO/DIO writable of DIO configuration by hexadecimal bitmask
- yes/no.
Use for Read (DIO)/Write button activate.