Varian 900-LC Series Liquid Chromatograph
system installation.
Although the Varian-trained, Varian-qualified or Varian-authorized
representative will install the Galaxie™ software for you during the
installation process, you may need to install the software yourself
at some later stage, for example if you change the PC.
The Galaxie LC Drivers Serial Number will also work for the 900-
LC. If you are running both types of Varian LC systems, the same
serial number will need to be entered twice, both when installing
LC Drivers and when installing the 900-LC driver. You will only
need to purchase the one serial number. For subsequent installs,
the serial number is recognized.
Client/Server Installation Information
The client/server installation involves using up to three PCs:
Main server – where data and methods are stored.
Acquisition server – communicates with the hardware of the
900-LC Series HPLC system. Up to four 900-LC systems can
be run by one acquisition server. The system is configured on
the acquisition server.
Client – methods are created, data viewed and reprocessed.
The 900-LC Series driver must be installed on all three PCs. The
online help must be installed on every PC where it may need to be
viewed on.
Stand-alone Installation Information
When using a stand-alone configuration the software for the main
server, acquisition server and client are installed on one PC. This
PC can then be used to control up to four 900-LC Series HPLC
Galaxie Installation Procedure
The 900-LC Series Driver installation has several steps:
1. Install the Galaxie core software.
2. Install LC or GC drivers if required.
3. Install the 900-LC Series HPLC driver.
Publication date: December 2007