Letter of guarantee
To be completed by the importer
Product name
Electric chain saw
VARI 2300 W
Serial number
Engine serial number ………………………………………………………………………….
Warranty (months)
…………………………… 24 ……………………………………….
Output control
The above product was passed over to the purchaser without any defects including the appropriate commercial and
technical documentation and accessories. The purchaser was duly informed about the principles of proper operation and
technical maintenance of the product.
To be completed by the seller
Purchaser’s name
Purchaser’s address
Purchaser’s signature
Place of sale
Date of sale
Stamp and signature of the seller
Subject of warranty:
Warranty relates to the basic product including accessories supplied by VARI, a.s.
Warranty period:
Warranty period for the product and accessories supplied with the product is 24 months from the date of sale to the
purchaser. Time from the enforcement of liability for defects to the date when the user was obliged to take over the thing
after the end of repair is not included in the warranty period.
The seller is obliged to give the purchaser a receipt confirming the date of the right exercise and repair and the time of
its duration. If the product is exchanged, the warranty period starts running again from the date on which the purchaser
took over the new product. If it is a whole assembly to be replaced, the warranty period starts running for the given
assembly again from the date of product take-over.
Scope of importer’s liability:
The importer bears responsibility for the product having properties usual for the kind of the product in question and
specified parameters for the whole period of warranty. The importer does not answer for defects of the product resulting
from current wear or from the product’s use for purposes other than specified.
Warranty extinction:
Claim of warranty extinct if:
the product was not used and maintained as specified in the Instruction manual, or it was damaged by any
unauthorized operation by the user;
the product was used in conditions or for purposes other than specified;
the letter of guarantee for the product cannot be presented;
data filled in the original product’s documentation by the manufacturer, seller or service organization were
intentionally falsified;
a part of the product was replaced with a non-original component;
the product was damaged or excessively worn due to improper maintenance;
the product suffered an accident or was damaged by an Act of God;
a modification was made to the product made without manufacturer’s consent;
defects result from improper storage of the product;
defects result from natural and common operating wear of the product;
the product was connected to or operated with the equipment not approved by the importer.
Complaints are applicable by purchasers at the seller’s. When applying a complaint, the purchaser is obliged to submit a
duly filled in letter of guarantee. Warranty repairs are carried out by sellers or by special service shops appointed by them.
Other purchaser/seller relations follow appropriate provisions of the legal regulations according to national legislation
in the country of sale.