To control a local third-party device from remote, first determine which HDBaseT receiver is connected to (1
in the diagram below). Next, connect a PC to the RS-232 port of HDBaseT receiver with 3-pin to DB9 RS-232
Cable, then connect a third-party device (e.g. projector) to the RS-232 port of matrix switcher. The local third-
party device can be controlled by the remote PC; the connection diagram is shown as below:
8.1.4 Control the Local Third-party Device from Remote
When controlling the switcher, the serial port settings for all RS-232 commands is:
Baud rate: 9600
Data bit: 8
Stop bit: 1
Parity bit: none
Please visit the product page at www.vanco1.com for a complete list of commands and available 3rd party
8.2 RS-232