Operating Instructions
Van Walt Ltd | Prestwick Lane | Grayswood | Haslemere | Surrey | GU27 2DU | Tel. 01428 661 660 | Fax. 01428 656 808 | www.vanwalt.com
Compact Turbimeter
Monitoring your needs
To switch the unit on, press the POWER button and release. An audible beep will
confirm the instrument is on.
The LCD screen is provided with a backlight option that can be set to on/off in the
System menu (see Page 9). The initial default position is ON. After initialization the
Mode screen will appear and display three options :
1. Reading – Select the mode to measure turbidity or suspended solids.
2. Calibration – Choose either SDVB, Total Suspended Solids or restore the factory
calibration values.
3. System – View or set Log (result and calibration), Operator ID, Sample ID,
Units, Language, Set Time, Set Date, Date Format, Software Version and switch
the backlight On/Off
Navigation through Menus is carried out using the Up/Down buttons, using the ‘OK’
button to select or ‘Back’ to return up a level. Switch off the Compact Turbimeter by
holding the POWER button for one second.
Sample Holder