Operating Instructions
Van Walt Ltd | Prestwick Lane | Grayswood | Haslemere | Surrey | GU27 2DU | Tel. 01428 661 660 | Fax. 01428 656 808 | www.vanwalt.com
Compact Turbimeter
Monitoring your needs
Readings are consistently higher than expected :
Check the sample cuvette for dirt, scratches and marks. Turbidity is an optical
measurement and will be adversely affected by unwanted items in the optical
Index the cuvette using the Continuous-Capture mode to ensure the most accurate
reading position is selected.
Apply a thin film of silicone oil to the cuvette to ‘fill in’ any scratches.
Replace the cuvette with a new, unused cuvette.
Check the calibration using the supplied standards to ensure no offset has been
inadvertently applied.
Readings are consistently lower than expected :
Fouling in the optical chamber may prevent the sources being transmitted with full
intensity. The unique QuadoptiX™ system will prevent this issue arising in all but the
most challenging circumstances.
Gently clean the optical chamber using a oft, damp cloth. Do not use abrasive
Readings are unstable/variable :
Turbidity is a measurement of scattered light with the source of scattering being
microscopic and larger solids present in the sample. Solids can be mobile or settle
during measurement leading to changes in readings over time.
Using the Continuous-Capture mode will show the changes over time.
Using the Average mode will remove/reduce the effects of settling or mobile solids.
The QuadoptiX™ system measures at four points and will also reduce the effects of
solid distribution across the sample cuvette.
Technical Support and Warranty
For technical questions, reports of issues and any aspects related to this product,
please contact your Palintest representative or [email protected]. Further
contact details are found on the rear cover or on any of our websites.
When requesting technical or warranty support please quote to instrument serial
number found on the underside of the Compact Turbimeter and in the System/
Version area of the software. The Compact Turbimeter has a two year warranty.
Calibration standards supplied has a 12 month stability. Replacement sets are
available with part code PTC 090. Other replacement items are also available via
your authorised representative or direct from Palintest Ltd.