Operating Instructions
Van Walt Ltd | Prestwick Lane | Grayswood | Haslemere | Surrey | GU27 2DU | Tel. 01428 661 660 | Fax. 01428 656 808 | www.vanwalt.com
Compact Turbimeter
Monitoring your needs
Care and Maintenance
The Compact Turbimeter has been tested for IP67 compliance so accidental
immersion will not damage the internal components. Sample cuvette should be
clean and dry prior to insertion into the sample holder. Lint free cloths are provided
for this purpose.
Silicon oil is also present to use on scratched cuvette surfaces its use should not be
necessary unless turbidity readings are consistently higher than expected. If required
place two or three drops onto the vial and smear across the glass using the lint free
User calibration is advised on a periodic basis, using the supplied SDVB standards.
Calibration frequency is at the user discretion and can be deduced by reading the
standards to determine any offset that may have occurred due to fouling.
Subjecting the standards to prolonged exposure to low temperatures will reduce the
NTU value. The use of a WP48 Heat Pad is recommenced in these circumstances to
prevent standard degradation. Standards have a 12 month stability and should be
replaced after this date. No prescribed maintenance intervals are possible due to
the high dependence on frequency of use, types of samples and conditions and
user protocol. Service and maintenance is available via authorised service centres
or direct from Palintest Ltd.
The Compact Turbimeter has internal diagnostics to advise on some issues as follows:
Error 100 – Measurement Off Scale
The reading is above 1050 NTU. Dilute using the provided PT 512 Dilution Tube and
clean water and re-measure.
Error 107- Blanking Error
The sample cuvette cap is not attached allowing ambient light into the
QuadoptiX™ chamber. Replace the cap and read again.
Error 110 – Battery Low
The available power is insufficient to support reliable analysis. Replace the batteries.
Other more general issues that arise may be as follows :