Operating Instructions
Van Walt Ltd | Prestwick Lane | Grayswood | Haslemere | Surrey | GU27 2DU | Tel. 01428 661 660 | Fax. 01428 656 808 | www.vanwalt.com
Compact Turbimeter
Monitoring your needs
The Compact Turbimeter is the latest addition to the Palintest Compact Meter range
which includes photometers for chlorine, ozone, chlorine dioxide and ammonia.
The Compact Turbimeter operates according to the ISO 7027 method for
measurement of turbidity, utilising two NIR light sources at 860nm as part of the
QuadoptiX™ optical system.
The Compact Turbimeter is provided in a hard case with accessories and standards
to support effective use of the instrument.
For technical support or to report issues with this product please contact Van Walt.
Compact Turbimeter Instrument (CT12 Model)
4 x Sample Cuvettes
4 x SDVB Calibration Standards
Silicone Oil (10 ml)
2 x Packs of Lint-Free Cloths
Sample/Dilution Tube
Cleaning Brush
2 x Heat Pads (WP48)
The Palintest Compact Turbimeter utilizes QuadoptiX™ technology for turbidity
measurement a sophisticated optical approach designed to ensure turbidity
measurements are as accurate and repeatable as possible in even the most
challenging circumstances.
Turbidity measurements are carried out by analysis of light scattered at 90° to the
incident light (nephelometric measurement) at levels below 40 NTU. Above 40 NTU
the recommendation is to measure also at 180° to ‘compensate’ the 90° readings.
QuadoptiX technology uses two independent sources and two independent
detectors to provide effectively two entirely autonomous measurement systems in
the same instrument, allowing dual validation of all results for greater accuracy.