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GEN2-V1 12ft-Instructions (Severe Weather) doc:r1
As our awning has an adjustable pitch, you may have limited wall height for mounting the awning; therefore it is
important to determine the height the awning should be mounted. A common pitch angle for awning installation is
about 80 Degrees. The illustration below shows the awning installed at that angle:
You may use the following formula to calculate the height you’ll want to install the awning on the wall in order to
achieve the necessary Valance clearance at 80 degrees. This form
ula is based on the 12’ Awning with a 10ft. (120in.
/ 3048mm) projection fully opened. Determine the height you want the aluminum Valance tube at, remember the
Valance fabric will hang 8.75in. (222mm) below the aluminum Valance Tube.
120 x .017 + Desired Valance Height = Height the top of the roller tube should be set at on the wall.
We recommend you mark the height on the wall, and you should have a minimum of 1-
1/2” to 2” (38 - 51mm)
of unobstructed clearance above this point.
The Awning Height reference is the upper most point of the Awning Fabric
after installed. The mounting brackets will be fastened below this point. As
shown in the drawing (to the right), when installing
on a 2x8” Header and
positioning the bracket centered vertically on the header board the roller
tube and fabric will actually be above the top edge of the header board by
approximately 2in. (50mm); this is why it is important to consider ample
clearance for your Awning to operate properly.
We recommend that you place and level the header board 2 in. (51mm)
the mark you’ve already put on the wall. Be sure to level the header
board and using 3/8” x 4” Galvanized or Zinc plated Lag bolts and securing
the board to the wall with no greater than 24in.(610mm) spacing. Be sure
to insert shims in the hollows behind the header board to ensure it stays
straight when tightening the lag bolts.
Once secured to the wall mark the vertical centre of the header board on
each end; use a plumb line to clearly mark this line across the full width of the header board.
120 in / 3048mm