VA500 Altimeter Operating Manual
MANUAL-1969127270-2 | issue: 1.3
Page | 7
© 2022
– Valeport Ltd
Select the VA500 altimeter from the drop down list.
Select the Read Configuration from the instrument to
determine current settings
Open previously saved configuration file to load a
predefined setup.
The first wizard screen will give information about the
instrument. These are settings that are set at the factory.
The next page defines:
Communications settings.
Analogue mode and limits.(See wiring schedule in
section 6 for analogue outputs)
Analogue range can be 0-5V or 0-10V
Analogue limit is the distance that equates to full scale
voltage output.
Serial Data format (see data format section for definition
of formats)
The next page defines:
Output units, can be seconds, metres, feet or fathoms.
Minimum range allows fixed returns close to the VA500
to be filtered out.
Maximum range allows filtering of spiking in noisy
environments or in the presence of multiple echoes.
Sound speed is set to 1500m/s. To improve accuracy
then the local sound speed should be measured and
applied here.
Error is the value returned when no echo is detected or it
is outside the minimum and maximum ranges defined.