VA500 Altimeter Operating Manual
MANUAL-1969127270-2 | issue: 1.3
Page | 9
© 2022
– Valeport Ltd
4.2 Manually Configuring the Unit
Alternatively, the VA500 Altimeter can be manually configured via serial communications using a
series of # code commands. This can be Valeport
’s Terminal x2 or an alternative terminal program
such as HyperTerminal.
Valeport Terminal is preconfigured with the required settings, but for reference the settings
required to communicate with the VA500 are:
Baud Rate:
115200 (can be set to 9600 to 115200)
Data Bits:
Stop Bits:
Flow Control:
Send line ends with line feed
The unit can be stopped at any time by sending
the ‘#’ character. The unit returns a ‘>’, and waits
for a further command. The unit can then be interrogated or configured using the following codes.
ll commands must be “sent” by pressing the Enter (carriage return) key, with the exception of
the single ‘#’ character required to enter setup mode
Note that there is a “watchdog” function in operation – if the unit is interrupted with the ‘#’
character, and no further command is received for a period of 5 minutes, the sensor will
automatically begin sampling data using the existing settings.
4.3 Instrument Settings
# code
Followed By:
Returns the software version number.
Returns the units serial number
Read PCB serial number
Send calibration date
Reads the transducer frequency