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Page 17
Carefully lift the top cap of the water bottle, and hook the
loop of nylon cord over the end of the release lever.
Then, carefully disengage the bottom cap of the water
bottle, and use the spring shackle to secure the nylon cord
to the top nylon cord as shown. Ensure that the shackle
goes over the whole cord, and not through it.
Repeat for each bottle.
Finally, to prepare the bottle for deployment, ensure that the tap on the side of the bottle is pulled
out as far as the stop will allow, and that the release screw on the top of the bottle is tightly secured.
3.3.4. Releasing the Water Sample
To release the water sample after the deployment, place a small hose over the tap, leading to the
desired container. Push the tap into the bottle as far as the stop will allow, causing a small amount of
water to be ejected. Release the remainder of the sample by slowly release the screw on the top of
the bottle. This allows the water to drain out of the tap under atmospheric pressure.