Section 3 | Data Acquisition
– Valeport Ltd
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3.1.1 Turbidity
There is no gain setting for Turbidity.
Both Nephelometer and OBS data are available in the data output string. Beyond 1000 NTU the
OBS sensor data should be used.
3.2 Output Rate
The signal output can be configured between 0.5 Hz and 16 Hz (free running) using software
The unit is factory pre-set to the maximum synchronous averaging period (0.5 Hz or 2 secs) in
order to be able to resolve the minimum detection limit.
Fast data rates should only be used w here good signal levels are encountered, otherwise features
may be lost in the background noise. In very low signal conditions, signal:noise ratio issues will,
therefore, limit the maximum vertical speed and resolution when running profiles.
3.3 Functional Check
To perform a functional test connect the Hyperion to both power and PC using the supplied Y lead.
Run DataLog x2, available from the Valeport Website as a free download -
Connect the Hyperion to DataLog x2 or Terminal x2 using the connect wizard:
Once connected, use the Configure wizard to set the instrument up:
Select your Comm Port, then select Next: