11.2 The buyer agrees that at the point of delivery of any goods to a business end it will collect
any end of life equipment and transport this to the buyers bulking loca'on.
11.3 Any historic goods or equipment must only be collected by the buyer where the business
end user is replacing these with iden'cal or equivalent goods produced by the company on a one
for one basis. The company reserves the right to refuse to collect historic goods or equipment,
which it does not consider to be equivalent to the replacement goods.
11.4 The buyer must, prior to collec'on from its bulking loca'on, verify that any end of life equip-
ment collected from a business end user is the responsibility of the company under the WEEE
11.5 For the purposes of verifica'on under clause 11.4 the buyer must contact the company by
facsimile within 28 days of the date of the buyers invoice for the goods to the business end user
and provide a copy of the companies invoice for the goods to the buyer and the buyers invoice to
the business end user, along with any invoices rela'ng to the end of life equipment, where avail-
able. All invoices must clearly state the date of purchase.
11.6 (In the event that the buyer fails to verify the companies obliga'ons for the end of life
equipment as provided for in clause 11.5 above the buyer agrees to indemnify the company for
any costs and penal'es incurred by or imposed on the company as a result of any non compli-
ance by the company with the WEEE regula'ons and/or addi'onal costs incurred to meet the
requirements for disposal in respect of the end of life equipment.
11.7 The company warrants that either it or its nominated producer compliance scheme will dis-
pose of the end of life equipment in an environmentally sound manner and in accordance with
the WEEE regula'ons.
11.8 The company shall use its reasonable endeavors to ensure that the end of life equipment is
considered for re use as whole appliances before considering disposal of the end of life equip-
ment as waste.
11.9 All costs associated with the disposal, collec'on, treatment and recovery of the end of life
equipment from the point of collec'on by the company or its nominated producer compliance
scheme from the buyers bulking loca'on to an approved authorized treatment facility onwards
shall be paid by the company except where no verifica'on as required by clause 11.5 exists.
11.10 The buyer warrants that it shall keep records for a minimum of four years a3er the date of
disposal rela'ng to collec'on of the end of life equipment and shall make copies thereof availa-
ble for the company in order for it to discharge any obliga'ons it may have under the WEEE regu-
11.11 The buyer agrees that the goods will be sold to business end users and used solely for pro-
fessional, commercial, or business purposes and that the end of life equipment is therefore
properly classified as non-household electrical and electronic waste for the purpose of the WEEE