USER'S GUIDE ____________________________________________________________________
134 __________________________________________________________________ M211187EN-C
12. Confirm the entered signal value by typing YES and Enter or re-
enter the signal value after typing NO and Enter.
- The Scatter Signal Test starts and the progress is indicated on
the screen.
- The test step can take up to two minutes.
- When the Scatter Signal Test is finalized a test result summary
and a passed/ fail indication for the Scatter Signal Test is given.
Step 3/3
Remove zero plugs, install glass plates and enter
signal value (between 0 and 10):
Is signal value 1.349700 correct?
Type YES or NO?
1st run
Signal test PASSED. (1.3514)
Calibration procedure finished.
Calibration: PASSED.
Zero test: ok (0.0000, limit: ab/-0.0001)
Signal test: ok (0.1259, limits: recalib/-
0.0300 rej/-0.2000)
Remove calibrator assembly and type YES:
13. Remove the calibrator assembly and the calibrator arm and store
them in the case of the Calibrator Kit.
14. Type YES and press enter.
Evaluating Results of Guided Calibration Procedure
for Measurement Unit
Calibration Passed
Table 23 on page 135 shows an example of a successful Calibration
Procedure without re-calibration of the visibility sensor.