Chapter 6 __________________________________________________ Calibration and Adjustment
VAISALA ______________________________________________________________________ 109
Figure 46
Adjustment Menu
Pressure Adjustment
In PTB330, the raw measured pressure value of each barometer module
is first corrected using the corresponding multipoint adjustment values.
The additional linear adjustment (if enabled) is applied to the corrected
values. This allows the user to fine-tune the pressure display using the
linear adjustment without performing a complete readjustment for the
barometer module, see
Figure 47
PTB330 Adjustments
For correct adjustment, the existing adjustment must be disabled before
measuring the new adjustment data. If you are going to do only linear
adjustment (one to two pressure points), leave the multipoint
adjustments active.
If you want to perform a complete readjustment of your PTB330,
disable both the multipoint and the linear adjustments, and calibrate the
instrument at 2…8 pressure points. In such a case, the new adjustment
values are entered to the multipoint adjustment function and the linear
adjustment is not used (that is, it is left disabled).