Electrical installation 8
0020213395_00 flexoTHERM exclusive Installation and maintenance instructions
Electrical installation
Risk of death from electric shock caused
by a residual-current circuit breaker not
In certain cases, residual-current circuit
breakers may not work.
If residual-current circuit breakers are re-
quired to ensure that people are protec-
ted and fire is prevented in line with the
applicable standards, use type A pulse-
current-sensitive residual-current circuit
breakers or type B universal-current-sens-
itive residual-current circuit breakers.
Observe the technical connection conditions for connect-
ing to the power supply network operator's low-voltage
Use the values for the maximum rated power that are
specified in the technical data to determine the required
line cross-sections.
In each case, take into consideration the (on-site) install-
ation conditions.
Connect the product using a fixed connection and an
electrical partition with a contact opening of at least 3 mm
(e.g. fuses or power switches).
Install the electrical partition right next to the heat pump.
Connect the product to the power supply according to the
identification plate.
Fuse this connection using the exact values that are spe-
cified in the technical data.
If the local power supply network operator requires that
the heat pump is controlled using a blocking signal, fit a
corresponding contact switch as prescribed by the power
supply network operator.
Ensure that the sensor lines, e. g. for the VRC DCF re-
ceiver, do not exceed the maximum line length of 50 m.
At lengths of 10 m or more, mains voltage supply lines
must be laid separately from sensor or bus lines. Min-
imum clearance for the extra-low voltage and mains
voltage line at a line length of > 10 m: 25 cm. If this is not
possible, use shielded lines. Lay the shielding on one
side of the sheet for the product's electronics box.
Do not use free terminals on the heat pump as base ter-
minals for further wiring.
30 mm max.
Connecting wires
Only strip a maximum of 3 cm from the outer sheathing of
the flexible lines.
Secure the conductors in the connection terminals.
Max. torque of the connection terminals: 1.2 Nm
Routing eBUS lines
Route the eBUS lines in a star formation from a junction
box to the individual products.
Ensure that you do not route the eBUS lines parallel to
the mains connection lines.
Piping diameter:
0.75 mm
Opening the electronics box
Remove the screw.
Pull the bottom of the cover forwards and lift it upwards.